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  1. maryjane66979

    Niger trigger help

    salt is 1.024 ph 8.0 (low i know just added buffer) ammonia 0.25 trites 0 trates between 0-5.0 temp 76-78
  2. maryjane66979

    Niger trigger help

    when checking on my trigger today i noticed my clown looks really bad (yesterday he seemed fine as well as the others in the tank) i think its Brooklynella not sure if a trigger can get that or not but the clown now seems to not be able to find food when i fed them. the trigger has a spot on his...
  3. maryjane66979

    Niger trigger help

    ive had my niger for about 3 1/2 yrs. the last 3 weeks or so he has not been eating and acting as if he has lost sence of smell/sight bumping into everything if he comes out of the rocks at all. most of the time he is wedged in the rocks. he looks healthy eyes are clear coloring is normal but he...
  4. maryjane66979

    Niger trigger help

    ive had my niger for about 3 1/2 yrs. the last 3 weeks or so he has not been eating and acting as if he has lost sence of smell/sight bumping into everything if he comes out of the rocks at all. most of the time he is wedged in the rocks. he looks healthy eyes are clear coloring is normal but he...
  5. maryjane66979

    clown eggs!

    my little guys laid some eggs (sorry cant get a good pic) from what i understand they will be eatin by my other fish, what would it take to try and raise these when or if they hatch as well as how long after being laid do they hatch?
  6. maryjane66979

    whats the trick to not getting bit??

    lately my niger trigger has became rather aggressive every time i put my hand in the tank he tries to get me, he's fine with all my other fish as well as my CUC, other tank mates are 2 clowns, yellow tang, starry blenny, 2 chromis, 3 stripe damsel, flame angel, purple pseudo, assorted hermits...
  7. maryjane66979


    have yet to tell the landlord i plan on getting a background, cant stand seeing all the cords. im beat from doin all the work it to to set it up, took us 3 nights of at least 5 hrs each and we just finished lastnight...if i ever move a tank again it may be enough to make me give up on this hobby
  8. maryjane66979


    tanks not full cause my LFS closes early now so didnt have enough time to go get more water, i dont mix my own water. no upgrades on the lights till i sell off the other tanks and get a little extra cash, just using my PC and MH lighting for now. not in much of a hurry for the lights as all my...
  9. maryjane66979


    well the new tank is level everything is transferred from both 90g all fish are super happy! my cleaner shrimp is very brave and was cleaning my triggers mouth and face is my trigger tricking my shrimp? will they be ok together or will the trigger still munch him for a snack? tried to get a...
  10. maryjane66979


    thanks for your landlord would not be happy if something went wrong (she only knows of 1 90g tank, i have 2 90's and just torn down my 40 ) we paid a $600 dep. for 1 90g tank i cant imagine how much she would want for the 240g if we told her...might have to just to be on the safe...
  11. maryjane66979


    to make the level level on the stand is about 1 1/2"-2" (not .2") this is in what i believe might have been a garage/carport at one time (so it has a run off slope) there is carpet but under that is concrete and the ground. if i put the tank on one of the other walls it would only need to be off...
  12. maryjane66979


    the new tank is 8'x2'x2' also have another question (if anyone can help) the place i want to put the tank is not level its off about 2" what is a good safe way to solve this problem? could i shimmy one side?
  13. maryjane66979


    how much lighting do you think i need for this new tank?
  14. maryjane66979


    i just so happend to get super lucky and scored a FREE 240g tank/stand my plan now is to move everything from both my 90g tanks into the tank is semi reef, 2 clowns, 1 blenny, 1 pseudochromis, cb shrimp, cleaner shrimp, hermits, nem, zoas, shrooms, leathers, xenia...the other tank has...
  15. maryjane66979

    Anemone shrimp or crab?????

    i have two little ocellaris
  16. maryjane66979

    Anemone shrimp or crab?????

    cool. ive read that a coral banded shrimp will kill them, is this true? if so id have to move mine. what about other types of shrimps or crabs should i be aware of?
  17. maryjane66979

    Anemone shrimp or crab?????

    thanks, my little nemo's seem real mello they eat out of my hand. they have a huge sebae nem over 12in. i also have a tiny rose nem not big enough for anyone yet. i cant seem to find much online about adding a crab or shrimp to a men thats already "claimed" thats why i have not got one yet. i...
  18. maryjane66979

    Anemone shrimp or crab?????

  19. maryjane66979

    Anemone shrimp or crab?????

    ive been think for about a year now id like to add a anemone shrimp or crab maybe a sexy shrimp to my tank....will my clowns who already host my anemone try to kill one of these little guys?
  20. maryjane66979

    bacterial infection yellow tang

    today is day 5 of treatment in the QT and no sign of getting any better. should i treat him for another 5 days? i am treating him with Maracyn 2.