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  1. joslinhome

    newbie? longnose butterfly acting wierd

    well she swam upside down, still didnt eat, and then was dead the next morning...that morning noticed my sailfin tang (oldet fish in my tank) was swiming funny, and later that day DEAD...had my water tested at LFS and was perfect. I have not signs of parasites...what happened?
  2. joslinhome

    newbie? longnose butterfly acting wierd

    i do use algea sheets, and pellets and flakes. he is now swimming upside down sometimes. Being very timid and barely swimmimg mostly hiding in rocks. Still looks good. I did my tests and show as follows ph 7.8...i know its low, i added a buffer to raise nitrate...0 nitrite...0...
  3. joslinhome

    My 6gal JBJ Desktop tank

    Originally Posted by gouchemonster how long would it take me to get the results that you have here? Also, if you don't mind sharing, what is the price tag on something like this altogether? does something this small need a skimmer? How long did it cycle after buying it?
  4. joslinhome

    newbie? longnose butterfly acting wierd

    i have a 90 gal fish only tank with koran angel juvie, fancy clown, snowflake eel, sailfin tang, longnose butterfly, and inverts. I have had my butterfly about month now and is know as fatboy as he is always hungry. When feeding time hes first to race and last to eat. I have noticed last...
  5. joslinhome

    Small hippo tang

    i had the same was barely eating, had it for 2-3 days and it died, think its hard to keep those babies alive. Also, i recommend eat everyday. My LFS (actually only one man) he advises feed fish 2-3 times a day. Whatever amount you would feed once a day, break that up to 2-3...
  6. joslinhome

    sick little girl

    Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo Hey Rick - sorry to hear about your girl, but if anyone can pull her through and cure her, YOU can! How in heck do you manage to be away for four days????? I have turned down so many trip plans and weekend getaways because of the seahorses -- I just can't...
  7. joslinhome

    Snail Tank...

    what is a spiky snail?
  8. joslinhome

    Chocolate Chip starfish

    %i too was considering getting a CC star. I have read many conflicting info. I have a 90 gal Fish Only tank and have several snails..nass, astro, mexican turbo...i was not aware they could possibly be in danger. SO, are my clean up crew in danger if spot fed or only if not fed directly? How...
  9. joslinhome

    Young Harliquin Tusk for $25

    not by anymeans a fish expert but i was researching and found this article which information is specific to your question about eating invertebrates.
  10. joslinhome

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 It's really not what you do for a living or how much money you make that matters, it's all about what the wife/significant other allows you to do with your money. Lucky for me I've got an understanding fiancee' that allows me to pour thousands of dollars into this...
  11. joslinhome

    Name Your Least Favorite Fish

    im new to this hobby but from my short experience id have to say Damsels....mine killed each other and the 3 left behind(bullies) thye killed 3 other nice fishies in matter of 1 day. I would see them chasing them and picking at them but my hubby wouldnt let me catch them.
  12. joslinhome

    Horse shoe crabs

    Originally Posted by salt210 I was thinking of getting one of them at one point, but remembered how big they get ive seen how big they get at the zoo but how long does it take to get that big?
  13. joslinhome

    ONE Fish

    Originally Posted by jackri I'd get a frogfish but thats just me im voting frogfish....i watched a video on youtube with person has 3 frogfish in one tank and they love each other...names brock, lee, cheese!!! im looking into getting a 20 gallon fish tank to try white frogfish.
  14. joslinhome

    blue hippo ????

    Originally Posted by AQUARIUM125G yes maybe later when i get this one off my head. i cant either my blue hippo died this weekend and tonight i was organizing my microwave top(we use it as a junk spot) and came across Dorie in her bag. I forgot to throw her away after she died...we just put...
  15. joslinhome

    blue hippo ????

    Originally Posted by T316 Sorry to say, this situation is not in your favor. All to often I see where folks buy these fish very tiny at the lfs, but they are in poor health, right out of the ocean. Best of luck to you, but it sounds like your tang has multiple problems. i actually bought him...
  16. joslinhome

    blue hippo ????

    i just got my first hippo tuesday(2 days ago) and she is only 1 inch and very sickly looking...fins and tail are horrible and is swimming completely upside down. However the past few days when i throw my frozen krill in the tank she gets enough energy to come out from hiding(behind my filter)...
  17. joslinhome

    So, should I get a crab?

    i too was wondering about crabs....i have a snowflake eel....i have hermit crabs but id like some interesting looking ones...ive been told with some fish and my eel i cant have those kind of crabs...i recently also got a brittle star. Is it true i cant have any crabs but hermit, if not...what...
  18. joslinhome

    Snowflake question..

    As a newbie to the saltwater of my first additions to my new tank was a snowflake eel. I had not researched them nor heard of them. Bob (eel) is about 12 inches. We orginally started feeding him by hand freeze dried shrimp. Since then (3 wks since i had him) we tried frozen krill...
  19. joslinhome


    My LFS didnt give us any other option but Blue Damsels as starter fish. As recommended for my 90 gal i started out with 8. After 2 days i witnessed the biggest 3 bully and kill all other 5 damsels. since then (beginning march) those 3 evil fish are still alive. When introducing new fish...