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  1. salty james


    Oops got to update the signature... Angel ? Yes ?
  2. salty james


    Hi Bo, The lunar is 7" beautiful fish... check him out.. click on the link below by signature..the calico crab is cool too... What is a Maculosus Angel ? pics ? Thanks for the input, SJ
  3. salty james


    125 with lunar wrasse. Suggestions on tank mates Pics on updated profile Queen Angel ? Suggestions on keeping Angels ? Thanks for the help, SJ
  4. salty james

    Lighting for my 29G

    I have no idea about the 7" wish someone would help out before I go on a rampade with the circular saw :o) Got my fingers crossed though! live life to its fullest before its gone!
  5. salty james

    Lighting for my 29G

    Hey stpabr I was going to use a reflector to avoid any thing being melted .. Have you heard of anyone having problems with MHs and the Eclipse type of hood ?? Thanks for responding, SJ
  6. salty james

    Lighting for my 29G

    Hi, Thank you for all of the replies. How do each of you keep you heat down on your 30 gallons ? With this amount of light do you guys use chillers ?? I have a Eclipse hood, and retrofitting it to have one 175w 10K and two 55w Pcs (10K & 03 actinic) Any input ??? Thanks again for all the...
  7. salty james

    Lighting for my 29G

    Hi, I have been kicking around different lighting options for my 29G. I want to keep SPS type corals, and a Maxi. Clam. I am wondering if a 3x55 PC light would work ?? I have heard that 5-10 watts to keep clams alive, but I have never kept a clam before. What bulb configuration would work for...
  8. salty james

    30G Reef, What Fish ?

    Anyone ?
  9. salty james

    30G Reef, What Fish ?

    Hi All, I have decided to move my blue tang to my 125, and I was trying to decide on a suitable fish for a 29g reef. Currently, I have a CBS, cleaner shrimp and a feather duster. Along with about 80lbs of LR. I am planning on upgrading my lighting with a retrofit PC compact light set up. Most...
  10. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    Just wanted to provide an update. Puffer passed 10/19/02.. :( tried to save him no luck... Thank you for the help, Salty James
  11. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    HI BETH, Both eyes are cloudy. The white spot is indented almost like a cig burn. I have fake coral trees that he munches on, and I think that maybe he ran into one of them. He only eats ghost shrimp... I have tried krill / squid / clam / silver sides / prime reef. Cant ween him off ghost...
  12. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    Also: Sg 1.009 Amonia 0 Trite 0 Trate 10 ph 8.3
  13. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    Oops.. above is what he used to look like before getting sick. :-( Please help,
  14. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    Hi Beth, Thank you for responding.. I love this fish and would hate for him to die. Hmm. Not eating, slow breathing, doing a flip move on the CC. Almost like scratching, lost alot of weight, hidding not moving alot, curling up in ball Thats about it... Any ideas.
  15. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    Also the white spot appeared on morning ? Was not sure how he got it. Looks like he plowed into a branch or something? Help ?
  16. salty james

    Hypo Not working!

    Hi Terry / Beth, Have had my tank in hypo now for 3 weeks. No sign of improvement for my puffer!. He still has cloudy eyes and is getting skinny.. Any ideas? I have attached a pic. HELP!
  17. salty james

    125 Set Up Questions

    bump... Anyone have any comments about the 125 filtration ? 2 EMP 400s & 2 SEA CLONE 100s ? The tank has 3' of DSB, and a bunch of white & red (dead) coral... Thank you for the help, SJ
  18. salty james

    Aggressive fish in a 125G?

    Dubba, How much LR do you have in your 125 ? Thanks SJ
  19. salty james

    Picky Puffer

    Cool deal will try that. Thanks SJ
  20. salty james

    Picky Puffer
