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  1. kinghammer

    Re-cycling after adding live rock

    hey,i used tlc to start my tank cycled in under 2 weeks.i waited another week anyway and added a snowflake eel,tomato clown and some lr.waited another week and added a v red water has been perfect.
  2. kinghammer

    whos used the rainbow fluidized sand filter?

    good,glad to hear it.thanks you think my tank will recycle from changing the old sand filters to the new one? i only have 20 pounds of lr and 2 hot magnums on my 125.its only been up for 4 weeks.i have a clown tomato,red v lion,dragon wrasse,and a snow flake water cycled in 2...
  3. kinghammer

    glad i picked up some lr

    i wasnt going to have any lr in my 125,but the lfs was taking down a reef tank and i got does it ever look good in my tank.i bought a snowflake eel at the same time,he loves it.i dont know how long the stuff on it will live,i only have the cheap fl.but ive been opening the blinds...
  4. kinghammer

    whos used the rainbow fluidized sand filter?

    i just orderd going to replace my 2 quic sand fluidized filters with 1 rainbow-says good for 300 gallon.i have a 125 and the fsf i have now spit sand into the tank.they are very old and came with a old 90 i bought used.i hope my new rainbow fsf does nt spit sand into the tank. ?
  5. kinghammer

    Got a dwarf lion today.

    check out a dragon wrasse,very fun to watch in the tank.
  6. kinghammer

    Dragon wrasse& dogface puffer

    i love my dragon wrasse,i ve only had him 2 weeks.but he s always on the move,eats everything,stirs up my cc very good looking for food,and is nt shy at all.i have him in a 125 with a tomato clown,8 in snowflake and a big red lion.i had 2 mollies untill i added the lion hehe.from the book i...
  7. kinghammer

    when should i turn on the skimmer?

    thanks, mr salty. hey nice site by the way.
  8. kinghammer

    when should i turn on the skimmer?

    im in my 2nd week of cycling.when should i turn on my cpr skimmer? amonea has risen to .04 and dropped to .02 nitrites went from .02 to 0 nitrates are 0 how s that look? its a 125 with 2 molliers and tomato clown.
  9. kinghammer

    live sand vs. crushed coral?

    i ve always had cc,i would have went sand but there was none at home depot and im not spending $200 on sand at the lfs.also a few people told me that sand in a fo makes a mess,as in cloudy stired up alot from fish and power heads.i went with cc again in my new 125,im happy so far,its still cycleing.
  10. kinghammer

    New 54g corner tank!

    all i read on here is cc haters,lol.i ve never had a problem with it,thats i ll see at all the lfs and a huge wholesaler open to the public on weekends only.i went to this wholesaler last weekend,WOW it was like a dream,i never seen so many live animals in one looked like he had alot of...
  11. kinghammer

    want to add fish, have questions

    are you kidding? did you leave a 0 out and mean 100 gallon not a 10 gallon? how long have you had all those things in there? seems over stocked now for a 10 gallon.
  12. kinghammer

    ...but my new 2 wk old Coral Beauty no like food

    i ve never had good luck with cb eating.
  13. kinghammer

    im trying the mollies cycle

    squid,thats funny,i bet you heard it twice a day.hehe i dont even want to deal with that.well i went to the lfs and got a big tomato clown for $15,plus i have the 2 mollies still.and he told me to add some tlc(some kind of cycle in a bottle),which i did. i ll wait atleast 2 weeks and just keep...
  14. kinghammer

    im trying the mollies cycle

    ug,i lost 3 out of 5 mollies already on the 3 rd day.1 got killed by a powerhead,the other 2 just died.maybe i should try some lr to cycle.i cant use the shrimp,the wife would kill me if it smelled bad.
  15. kinghammer

    im trying the mollies cycle

    i bought 5 black mollies,is that enuff to cycle a 125? PLEASE read my other post on my setup,i need some resurence on my setup.i really dont want to lose any fish once im cycled.i had the same setup on a 90 2 years ago,my heater broke and killed all my fish,being totally crushed i never...
  16. kinghammer

    please,look over my new setup,any thoughts?

    ok guys after finding this site im back in to saltwater fish,thanks.i bought a 125,it came with 36in fl lights.will this be ok for a fo tank? whats the best bulb for that light?could i still use some live rock without upgrading my light?i could nt find any southdown sand, so im using a cc...
  17. kinghammer

    cleanup crew, with triggers?

    thanks for all the input it ok to use a dsb without the cleanup crew? i have always had dolimite and never worried about a cleanup crew,but after finding this board im learning about ls and lr for the first time.
  18. kinghammer

    cleanup crew, with triggers?

    what kind of cleanup crew do you use in a tank with triggers? i ask because im thinking of setting up another tank and would like to try the dsb.i love triggers though and i now the eat shrimp and crabs.i ve always had dolimite in my tanks.time for a change looks would i keep the sand...
  19. kinghammer

    anyone use fluid sand filters?

    does yours spit sand out into the tank? i get alot out of the tank when not sure how often i should refill the filter with sand,what do you do? thanks