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  1. dseiler

    plate corals

    The largest ones are about 2 - 21/2 " across
  2. dseiler

    plate corals

    I would be happy to, one little problem. I have no idea how I would frag this thig. I was actually about to post that as a question. What is the best way to remove the seperate discs, without damaging them, or should I wait until the "fall off" on their own? there seem to be about twenty of...
  3. dseiler

    plate corals

    Thanks for the info! I guess in a few months they will start to fall off and without knowing it I have propogated plates!!!
  4. dseiler

    plate corals

    I don't have any mushrooms that look like that, and they all seem to have "skeletons"!?!
  5. dseiler

    plate corals

    A while back I had a plate coral that died. I left the disc in there and over the course of time what I originally thought were 15 or so mushrooms, have grown on the disc. Are these propogated corals? Is this common? Is there a way to remove some of them from the "colony"? This is a new one...
  6. dseiler

    Eye falling off?

    Everything else is fine. Eating, swimming, breathing. There is no real agression. The fish chase eachother from time to time, but it is not mean at all. Everything is great oter than that.
  7. dseiler

    Eye falling off?

    I have a yellow eye tang in a 55 gallon reef. All of the water perams are perfect and I have added nothing new in months. I noticed today that tang's eye looks like the lense is falling off and that there is another eye underneath that is "growing in". Everything else in the tank is perfect...
  8. dseiler

    Couple of ID's please

    Anyone able to answer this?:( :)
  9. dseiler

    To skim or not to skim

    Originally posted by ILoveFlameAngel I have read numerous places that you're wasting money if you skim and add supplements Some would argue that the whole hobby is a waste of money. Good thing we don't listen to them too! I would always skim and add. You may lose some of the "good" things...
  10. dseiler

    Couple of ID's please

    Originally posted by jonthefb the yellow things, are they very porous, or do they only have two recognizable openings? the reason i ask is because if it is very pourous, it si just a common ball sponge, very common in aquaria. If it has two distinct openings taht are tube-like it is a...
  11. dseiler

    Black Brittle Stars Falling Apart

    I can not imagine that it is from the clean up package. I have ordered two of them, at different times, with the combinations you speak of and have never had a problem with that, nor have i heard of it before. What else is in the tank?
  12. dseiler

    Couple of ID's please

    OOOPPPSS. I could only put in one pic. Here is the other, closer one.
  13. dseiler

    Couple of ID's please

    I am attatching two photos just so you can get an idea about the size and one closer up. I am curious to know what the spongy thing (I am assuming it is some kind of sponge) is on the rock? Good? Bad? Leave it or make it go away? Second.. What type of algae is growing on the rock and what gets...
  14. dseiler

    Algae ID/Question

    That's not it, and I couldn't find it on the reference page either. It looks like, and I am sorry to post this..... But it looks like pubic hair, only green!
  15. dseiler

    Clean up crew question

    they were fine. i only had them a couple of days before they became empty shells, that is why I figured something was eating them. Any other ideas on something I "Don't Know" I might have that would eat them?
  16. dseiler

    Algae ID/Question

    The image didn't come through for me. Could you try again, or e-mail it to me at Also what is good at getting rid of it?
  17. dseiler

    Algae ID/Question

    I have a hard green algae that looks like it is a bunch of little branches. It is attatched to the rocks very well, and the last time I tried to break some off it seemed like it spread even more than when i left it alone. What type of algae is this and what is good at eating it?
  18. dseiler

    Clean up crew question

    About a week ago I got one of the clean up crew packages from this site. Over the days that have passed all of my hermit crabs, pepermint shrimp and CBS have dissapeared. I do not mean that I can't see them, but that they seem to have been eaten. All I have left are empty shells. :rolleyes...
  19. dseiler

    snowflake eel in a 38 reef?

    I would recomend him being the last thing that you add, unless you are getting a VVVEEERRRYYY small one. Even then they will become pretty territorial and new fishies upset their balance as it were.
  20. dseiler

    ecosystem filter

    I have been running the system for a while now and I absolutlely love it. It doesn't happen over night, but ultimately you should be able to get your nitrates to pretty close to zero. (Keeping in mind one of the previous posts <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> )...