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  1. hawkfishman

    is my anemone dead?

    macro algae as in the cheato or however its spelled? and directly into the tank?
  2. hawkfishman

    is my anemone dead?

    filtration is a rena filstar Xp2 canister, bioload is lawnmower blenny, scooter blenny (eats brine shrimp and bloodworms), 2 misbar clownfish, 2 firefish gobys, a small/young green spotted puffer, and a tiger wardi goby.they have all been in there together now for a while and get along for the...
  3. hawkfishman

    is my anemone dead?

    sadly, thats about all i can afford for the moment. doesnt help im unemployed either. and is it correct that in order to really get the nitrates down u need to do a pretty big water change?
  4. hawkfishman

    is my anemone dead?

    UPDATE: seems he knew it was april 1st. as he/she/it is looking good now.
  5. hawkfishman

    is my anemone dead?

    the only thing that is high in the tank as far as paramaters is nitrates. its somewhere between 20-40 ppm. the lighting is 28 watt T5. i know the day light says 10KK. and this was right after i turned the lights on. hes "standing" upright now with his mouth a bit more closed than the last...
  6. hawkfishman

    is my anemone dead?

    i got this bubble tip anemone on tuesday just to give my 2 clownfish something to do. it looked good yesterday, but today its "mouth" is open and most of the tips seem closed. here are 2 pics. one yesterday and one this morning.
  7. hawkfishman

    is this a mushroom?

    yea i know its a bad pic. kinda hard to get a clear shot from above because of the current moving around and bluring the image. i haven't noticed if they close at night. i rarley look in the tank after i turn off the main lights. i will investigate this tonight though
  8. hawkfishman

    Heater on the blitz - water temperature 88 deg F this Morning

    that is high, but if the ocean temps in the gulf of mexico in hurricane season are very close to that, they SHOULD be ok. did they all still eat? and what was they're behavior like when you checked on them?
  9. hawkfishman

    is this a mushroom?

    i noticed alot of these types of things popping up on 2 of my rocks. on the one rocks, they are mostly a very dark red color and on the other rock, a lighter red.
  10. hawkfishman

    Clown Fish attacking the other clown fish

    i have 2 misbar clowns and 1 orange skunk clown in my 55. is it true that the skunks are one of the more aggresive breeds too? he/she chases both the other clowns around every once in a while. the 2 misbar havent fought with each other (to my knowledge).
  11. hawkfishman


    u talking about on the rocks? it looks kinda like yellow sponge, but i doubt thats it. oh well. theres my 2 cents
  12. hawkfishman

    Tank switch from fresh to salt water

    i actually went FW to brakish a while back for my GPS. it was in a 5 gallon though. it did good, just had some odd white algae crop up. but im getting ready to do a coral tank with either the 5 gallon tank or move my one cichlid back to the other tank and use the 10 gallon he is in.
  13. hawkfishman

    baby snail question

    cool. my friend had some come up in his 29G bio-cube. i saw one of them and yea, it was smaller than a 1/4 of an inch. are they a certain kind that just doesnt get big or do they just have that slow growth rate?
  14. hawkfishman

    baby snail question

    i woke up this morning to find about 17 white snail eggs scattered about in my tank, mainly on the back wall. my question is this: how long do they take to hatch/grow or w/e and after they start growing, what is their "general" growth rate? im under the assumption that snails generate thier own...
  15. hawkfishman

    brown stuff on rocks?

    ah yea. diatoms. im going through the same thing. kinda makes me made that it covered most of my coraline algae when it started to grow but the LMB is havin fun eating it all as well as my snails.
  16. hawkfishman

    What do you use as a Refuge Substrate?

    i will be getting a refugium/sump built soon and plan on LS/LR/cheato. i was looking into the mud, but train may have just warded me off it :)
  17. hawkfishman

    coral ID please

    aw poo. it looks cool. theres actually 3 of them that ive seen on that rock.amazing what u will find on LR. always makes me think what im gonna find next.
  18. hawkfishman

    coral ID please

    i was quite leary(or leery w/e) about touching it cause it kinda looked like a baby brain coral. i didnt know what they looked like when small(like if they are closed up then open as they grow) but thankfully it didnt sting me :) and yea the "holy light" is kinda cool, but hey what can ya...
  19. hawkfishman

    coral ID please

    i got some live rock last night from a guy that tore down his tank. i dont know how big the tank was or how long it was up, but i am curious what this little yellow thing is on the rock. i touched it and its kinda squishy.
  20. hawkfishman

    question about live rock

    i had a peice of non-premium LR (basically it was live, just bleached or w/e) and within 2 weeks it had a few spots of purple coraline showing up. guess it varies with ur paramiters. mind you, this was in a 20 G so the coraline might spread quicker idk.