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  1. gene11

    Wet/Dry filter problem........

    Thanks for your reply Jeff!
  2. gene11

    Kole Tang Info And Experiences Needed......

    Had one and he was awesome!! Biggest fish in tank and not aggressive in the least!
  3. gene11

    Peppermint Shrimp and Aptasia

    I had some aptasia and got a peppermint shrimp. Within three weeks all aptasia was gone. Ive heard though,not all peppermints wiil eat them.
  4. gene11

    Wet/Dry filter problem........

    I have a 75g tank that's been up for three years with no change of any equipment. All of a sudden my pump is taking water out of the sump faster than water can get back in. Now the pump is sucking in tons of air and the water level in the tank is rising up to the glass on the top. I've tried...
  5. gene11

    question about using RO water from grocery store

    Ive been using r/o water from Cub Foods grocery store for about a year now and have had 1 cyano breakout but no other problems.
  6. gene11

    Tang Decision

    With all of the swimming room tangs need to stay happy, I personally wouldn't put two of them in a 75g. If you have to though, I would have to go with a kole tang. I have one in my 75g and he's just awesome!
  7. gene11

    2 kinds of powder tangs together???

    Definately not with all the other fish you've got in the tank. Even without all the other fish you'd have to be lucky if they were to get along at all.
  8. gene11

    anyone hear of an undulated trigger?

    I have read that this fish should be kept in a tank all by itself. It will even go after your hand when in the tank. Nasty!!!!
  9. gene11

    Tangs and tank size

    A 75g tank would probably be the smallest tank you'd want to put a yellow tang in, but should be fine.
  10. gene11

    HELP! Red slime algae.............

    Can anybody tell me any good methods to fight off red slime algae? nitrates 0,nitrites 0, ammonia 0,ph 8.2,sg 1.023. I try to do a 20% water change once a month but sometimes slip a little. My protein skimmer hasn't been working right and hasn't been running for about 3 months. How much could...
  11. gene11

    C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?

    That would have to be my Emperor Angel. Still just a juvenile, he's definately "da man"! The last fish added about six months ago, didn't take him long to become head of the household over kole tang,2 perculas,2 green chromis.