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  1. wingman

    molting crabs

    Have three sally light foots that are starting to molt. Should the sheds be taken out or if left in will they eventually be comsumed by anything?
  2. wingman

    Res slime vs. brown algea

    But what does each LOOK like? How do I know which one I have in my tank? I guess that should have been my first qustion
  3. wingman

    Res slime vs. brown algea

    Ok thanks, but what are the characteristics of the two and how do I get rid of the brown algea? By the way it is reD slime not reS slime! ;)
  4. wingman


    I am a fire fighter in Des Moines, Iowa
  5. wingman

    Res slime vs. brown algea

    What is the difference between the two and what gets rid of either one?
  6. wingman

    newbie question!!!

    I have been told it takes longer then three weeks before your tank cycles. I would wait close to two months before you start to add things and then do it slowly. Bottom line....take your time.
  7. wingman

    after lights out!

    Any one recommend the best light to use to look in your tank to see the nocturnal species in the tank? Something that doesn't scare everything as easily as a normal flash light does. I thought I had read some where that a red light works well.
  8. wingman


    Just send an email to them right away. Chances are your pkg. won't go out until late tomorrow since they don't send things out on weekends. HTH
  9. wingman

    Plants on live rock

    ok, thanks. Just wondered cuz all the tanks I have seen in lfs and on the net do not have ANY plant life on them.
  10. wingman

    flame scallops

    What is micro vert?
  11. wingman

    Plants on live rock

    I have a lot of green plants on my live rock. Is it ok to pull them out by hand or is there a better way?
  12. wingman


    what does the thing look like that your hermits are eating. More then likely it's just some sort of algea and that is ok, that's what they are supposed to do. I recieved 25 of them a couple days ago and they are going crazy on the algea!
  13. wingman

    sea horses?

    Do a search on the internet for them. I think you will see that they are very hard to keep, especially with other fish.....they won't eat and will starve to death. Best kept in an aquarium with just themselves. HTH
  14. wingman

    flame scallops

    They are dead. :mad: Thanks to everyone who posted a response! They still are under the 7 day gaurantee from SWF so will get them replaced.
  15. wingman

    I need some suggestions.

    I am in the same position as you right now. Just added my clean up crew the other day. Heard that I need to wait a couple weeks before I start adding fish and once I do to do if very slowly, one fish at a time for awhile. What you put in your tank is up to you. Fish, corals, etc. I...
  16. wingman

    flame scallops

    their mouths are open but the tentacles aren't moving around like the third one is. I am assuming they are dead. Am I right??
  17. wingman

    Snails and crabs

    what else is in the tank?
  18. wingman

    flame scallops

    guess no one knows either....
  19. wingman

    flame scallops

    Received three of them yesterday from swf in clean up crew pkg. Two of them haven't moved just sit there open and their little hair like tentacles barley fully extended. Is this normal or are the dead??? :(
  20. wingman


    Everything just arrived and just started the acclimation procedure. Everything was alive aside from two pepperment shrimp.