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  1. nutoit

    tank over heating

    no I don't have a sump and the top has a glass cover that I have left open. I also moved the light off the glass top. I guess I could remove the glass top for now.The clip fan sounds like a good does it really drop the temp down that much?
  2. nutoit

    tank over heating

    Does anyone have a good suggestion on cooling down the water. I live in New York and had a small heat wave that sent my water temp up to 90 by the time I got home from work. We don't have ac so that is not an option.I tried putting frozen bottles of water in my back pac skimmer. It seemed to...
  3. nutoit


    Sorry I don't know what hypo salinity is . My perameters have been good. Nitrates and nitrites at zero. The salinity was high at about 26-27.I have been decreasing that slowly with with small water changes. Phosphates were high at about .50 which I think is under control now and down to...
  4. nutoit


    Sorry I don't know what hypo salinity is . My perameters have been good. Nitrates and nitrites at zero. The salinity was high at about 26-27.I have been decreasing that slowly with with small water changes. Phosphates were high at about .50 which I think is under control now and down to...
  5. nutoit


    I have read in the past about people treating with garlic I have a pair of maroon clowns and the male I have just noticed has what looks like a ring around his eye and possible a spot on his tail fin. I don't know if this is the start of ick.Is there anyone on the board that has used garlic as a...
  6. nutoit


    I have read in the past about people treating with garlic I have a pair of maroon clowns and the male I have just noticed has what looks like a ring around his eye and possible a spot on his tail fin. I don't know if this is the start of ick.Is there anyone on the board that has used garlic as a...
  7. nutoit

    small glass bubbles

    Quick question. I have been seeing more of these small clear bubbles that seem to attached to or around my bubble coral. I moved the coral about two weeks ago and now the bubbles have jumped over and onto the glass of the tank.They look just like green bubble algea but there are clear like...
  8. nutoit

    Under tank refugium

    you can go to the web site for cpr at to get more info. on the hang on.
  9. nutoit

    Fluval canister........keep or toss???

    i also have a 304 and like it. i rinse the canister and foam filters everytime i do a water change which is every ten days or so. also when i rinse the foam i do it in the old water. i never have had a probelm with nitrates the water cir is good
  10. nutoit

    green polps losing their color any ideas ?

    thanks for the ideas any more
  11. nutoit

    green polps losing their color any ideas ?

    my green polps are losing their color. looks like the centers are turning a white colorless look. all my perameters are fine and everything else si doing fine. any ideas ?
  12. nutoit

    midas blenny jumps to his death

    well, it was funny now that you mention it. he was hanging out with his head out of the water from time to time after he moved to the middle of the tank. we only have the two clowns and a flame shrimp and they seemed to getting along o:k. the oxygen in the tank is something I never thought about...
  13. nutoit

    midas blenny jumps to his death

    wondering if anybody has had this probelm before. we had this little guy for about 3 weeks. he was doing great,he found a nice little spot to call his own. then he changed spots the other day and started hanging out in the middle of the tank which was o;k because we only have two maroon clowns...
  14. nutoit

    adding ls to an established tank

    Has anybody done this before or maybe just some ideas ?
  15. nutoit

    adding ls to an established tank

    I posted this question earlier and the message got mixed up so I'll try again. I have a 39 gal that has been up and running for 5 months now. The tank mates are 1 hammer,1 bubble,1 toadstool,1 flame shrimp,1 peppermint,2maroon clowns,asst.mushrooms,and a new addition a midas blenny (about 2...
  16. nutoit

    adding sand to a 5 month old tank ?

    I have a 39 gal. tank that has been up and running for about 5 months. Everything seems to be doing great. 1 bubble, 1 hammer, 1 toadstool,2 maroon clowns,1 peppermint shrimp,1 flame shrimp, some asst. mushrooms,and 1 midas blenny that I just adding 2 weeks ago. My question...... when I set the...
  17. nutoit

    Sixline problems

    hey rockster any good lfs by you? not too many out here on the island. The best we have is country critters. oh sorry bout the 6 line don't think that was the best idea in the world. Why reek havick in the mini reef world for kicks.
  18. nutoit

    purple coraline bleeching out

    I had a pretty good growth of purple coraline algea that seems to be washing out or bleeching out. I did raise my calcium up to 425-450 from 380-390, all other perameters are good. the tank has been up and running since the beginning of the year. The lighting has not changed. Wondering if the...
  19. nutoit

    How do fish sleep?

    my maroon clown leaves his bubble coral and hangs just above it at the side of the power head. Maybe the noise and fibration of the motor puts him to sleep. :o
  20. nutoit

    Preferred method for attaching colt

    just did one myself about a week ago. Wedged him in a rock and he's taken hold and seems to be growing. good luck