Search results

  1. brian'sreef

    tank raised clowns

    yes tank raised clowns will take to anemones we breed clowns where i work ..there we have a tank full of juvenile percs.that we've raised about 200 of them occupy one large bubble anemone.. sometimes there are so many in the anem. that it looks like it's just shaking.. it's a pretty funny...
  2. brian'sreef

    Water Temp

    i'd go with around 76 to 78 degrees.. 80 is a little high...but some like it there .. it's a good temp for just fish .. but corals tend to like it a little cooler.. Brian
  3. brian'sreef

    good LFS's in St. Louis.

    anyone know of any good lfs's in st. louis.. i'm going in a couple days and wanted to have a few places to go while i was there.. thank you. Brian
  4. brian'sreef

    Moving Tank Please Help

    you can keep all your fish in buckets with some sort of aeration for a couple of days while everything is getting set up.. i'd use a seperate container for each fish.. try to save as much of your water as possible as for the rock etc. again buckets with some newspaper wetted from your tank...
  5. brian'sreef

    ? about my tomato clowns

    indeed the older they get the darker they become ..we had a pair of gold stripe maroons where i work they were an old pair the female died not too long ago .. she was huge and instead of maroon she was black.. what a beautiful fish.. Brian
  6. brian'sreef

    coraline algea

    your calciums fine i wouldn't worry about adding any of that.. you do have live rock in your tank correct? if so it's merely a matter of time before encrusting alga forms .. if you give the tank plenty of lighting.. then your'e bound to get coraline growth.. it just takes time.. just take a deep...
  7. brian'sreef

    clown fish

    you think tomatoes are aggresive try sticking your hand in a tank with a mating pair of G.S. Maroons.. ouch..stick with the same kind of clown try perhaps getting a smaller tom. and they may pair up.. good luck to you... Brian
  8. brian'sreef

    "Freshwater Lionfish" in a 20gal?

    i saw a fish once called a freshwater lionfish. it was in freshwater though and looked like a fat brown stonefish sitting on the bottom of the tank.. i don't know much about them .. he was pretty ugly and i didn't spend a lot of time inquiring about him.. you say he's in saltwater though so he...
  9. brian'sreef

    green mandarin

    in perspective i have a pair of them and i waited a year to put them in .. i knew that i wanted them so it wasn't a hard wait.. good things come to those who wait.. give your tan ka couple more months and stack in the LR.. and then think about getting one.. but do becareful these guys are fairly...
  10. brian'sreef

    New Purple Tang

    just keep him fed and make sure he has someplace to go hide if he feels like it. mine spends most of his time in a rock tunnel i built for him.. he's about 5" and fat.. i only feed him formula-one flake and mysis occasionaly.. every now and then i'll bring home some grape caulerpa from the store...
  11. brian'sreef

    What do you feed your Marine Fish?

    Formula-one flakes and Frozen Mysis.. Brian
  12. brian'sreef

    shrimp molting

    a lot of people remove the moltings i leave mine in my serpent star just eats them... in a smaller tank i would remove them in a larger tank it's just not that big an issue.. Brian
  13. brian'sreef


    what do you mean they have taken over your tank.. bumblebees are appriciated snails they eat everything from detritus to algea they aren't bad but if you want to get rid of them just start taking them out.. Brian
  14. brian'sreef

    bad crab?

    i know just what you're talking about i actually had two of those guys.. (atergatis sp.) anyway they are bad they eat coral.. red=evil..i had to wait for mine to show himself in an easy to catch spot.. what i would do is find where he lives and if you can remove that rock from the water and use...
  15. brian'sreef

    Mystery crab

    never trust a crab.. anywhere.. .. oh and do his pincers have cupped tips.. just curious i had a stone crab come in on some live rock i have who looked almost like an emerald crabs but brown with hairy was more closely related to a mithrax crab though and ate several of my fish.. i don't...
  16. brian'sreef


    one of the problems with peppermint shrimp is that they wont rely on aiptasia for a food source if they don't have to .. and they normally work best in large groups of about ten .. another easier way to get rid of them is to put the infested rock in a dark tank.. and the aiptasia will come off...
  17. brian'sreef

    How to keep Bangaii Cardinals alive

    first off wisner welcome to this board seems like you got on off on the wrong foot for some people.. there are a lot of questions asked about a lot of topics here .. to fully help you with your question we are going to need a little more info..obviously, however not what size the tank is since...
  18. brian'sreef

    Flat worm infestation

    not a whole lot of thingsw eat them but yes mandarins do while they won't normally wipe out a population due to the fact that that's not their preferred food.. sixlines do a pretty good job at chowing down on them .. and then there's a nudibranch that eats them but they tend to be pricey and...
  19. brian'sreef

    Attaching soft coral

    you can use underwater adhesive superglues to attach it to a rock.. we use a brand calles ZAP.. while i'm not sure where we get it from it's a start for ya..then all you'd have to do is find a good piece of rock and superglue it's base to that rock.. i've had experience with button polyps...
  20. brian'sreef

    pistol shrimp

    a good book to get would be the BEANSCH marine atlas 1.. it's got a lot of pictures of different pistols.. they make the popping sound with their larger claw by snapping it together very fast it can easily be heard in and out of the water.. the pistol shrimp is also a species that can live in a...