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  1. brian'sreef

    green bird wrasse in a community tank?

    they are aggresive in two ways .. swimming and feeding that's about it they gennerally won't bother other fish but when it comes to zipping from one side of the tank to the other they do it constantly and they like most wrasses require plenty of live foods.. pods gammerus mysids what not.. but...
  2. brian'sreef

    simple fish question

    on the contrary inverts can live in a tank that's not fully cycled.. but i'd at least wait two weeks into the process and providing the fact that you have algal growth for them to eat and your water parameters are good adding acouple mind you only a couple snails or hermits wouldn't hurt...
  3. brian'sreef

    Clown Goby

    yes you can definately mix and match clown gobies.. my fav's are the greens then the blacks ..then probably the yellows .. they love playing and hiding withing coral so if you have any in you tank it's a good deal.. while they don't need it it's a natural thing for them..and a fish is really...
  4. brian'sreef

    did i get ripped off

    bought mine for forty..sounds like a good price to me.. ..hope you enjoy him.. if you don't have anytypes of cleaners i'd get one they help out a lot as this guy will get stressed pretty easily.. good luck Brian
  5. brian'sreef

    starburst polyps, water flow?

    they favor best in areas of medium to high current nature they thrive in areas of stronger current and grow into huge mats the flow hits them they flow like reeds of grass it's quite beautiful.. anyway.. put them in good current... Brian
  6. brian'sreef

    Bubble tip turned into long tentcle

    i'm not sure why they do that.. i also have a bubble anemone.. mine sometimes displays prominent bubbles but for the most part his tentacles are always straight.. as they are with many of the bubbles that are at the store that i work.. we have a rose bubble that's about 14" in diameter that...
  7. brian'sreef

    Please Help Identify

    indeed they are small feather dusters ..and yes they do grow everywhere but in no way are they bad or will they cause damage.. it's actually a pretty good sign.. just keep them scraped off of the glass where you don't want them, easy as that.. Brian
  8. brian'sreef

    Maroon and Gold clown attacked cleaner shrimp

    striker's quite right maroons get rather aggressive as they get older... once a pair starts to mate they tend to torment and many times kill other tankmates.. just their temperment ..not all are so aggresive but for the most part they are the most aggresive clowns.. Brian
  9. brian'sreef

    sponge lookin thing

    hmm. not all sponges have a defined osculum.. while most that yu would find within your tank do so it was a try.. i'd still go with a sponge ..can yoiu see through it or is it pretty dense.. .. cotton ball huh....maybe some one else can help more .. it really just sounds like a sponge to...
  10. brian'sreef

    What does it look like when a clown has eggs

    while i'm not sure on an exact time or age of mating.. if a G.S. maroon hasn't got his gold stripes yet it's too young.. Brian
  11. brian'sreef

    Hippo Tang and Orange-Shoulder

    well hippos and orange shoulders aren't in the same genus.. hippos are actually in one all of their own .. i have a large red sea purple in a tank with a hippo and they are quite good freinds .. tangs are just funny creatures period.. the other day i sold someone a breeding pair of cinnamon...
  12. brian'sreef

    Hippo Tang Size

    i agree try to go with at least a 3 inch fish.. after all that's pretty small and at three inches that suckers still a baby.. hippos are real sensitive to disease and the fast that one may be very tiny.. doesn't help it's chances.. My Opinion..good luck Brian
  13. brian'sreef

    the two mandarins.

    you shouldn't have to worry much about trans species fighting .. the males of the same species as you said just don't like each other.. i have a pair of green mandarins.. and they are awesome.. everynight they do their little spawning dance to the top of the water..pretty cool.. again good luck...
  14. brian'sreef

    sponge lookin thing

    it's probably just that a sponge one sure way is to look for it's osculum.. a lot of spoges have several but one main will look just like a tube coming out of the sponge like a mouth.. this is where water leaves the sponge after it's filtered..good luck Brian
  15. brian'sreef


    with mearly mushrooms and stars in a tank it's not as necessary to add the B-ionic everyday.. or much of it at all.. the B-ionic mainly benifits stony's .. which have calcareous skeletons.. so the product is intended for tanks with corals.. the more coral you have the more calcium is needed ..if...
  16. brian'sreef

    Which one is guilty?

    seems like you like crabs a lot.. you have a sally two emeralds and a porcelain crab all in the same tank.. you had an arrow he's gone so is your purple lobster..oh and a horseshoe.. well first off the majority of crabs sally's emeralds etc. are scavengers that will eat just about anything that...
  17. brian'sreef

    What does it look like when a clown has eggs

    they lay darker color eggs and they lay them onto a surface in a carpet fashion.. often on the back wall of an aquarium or on a rock.. and a good clown pair can mate constantly having and their eggs hatch in about 10-15 days.. while it doesn't sound like you have eggs.. it may be possible that...
  18. brian'sreef

    Has anyone had a butcher of a Sally lightfoot?

    couldn't agree with you morw MR.wrasse.. crabs are scavengers as you said and they hunt at night often looking for food hiding in the cracks and crevises of LR.. like my chromis and my bicolor blenny that i lost to a stone crab.. mean little sh*t.. anyway.. i'd get rid of the sally ..crabs are...
  19. brian'sreef

    Evil Crab or Evil Shrimp???

    crabs and shrimp are both scavengers and will eat about anything they can find's as far as i have known are not one to kill for food unless it's another shrimp.. crabs are different.. i don't trust crabs in the least bit.. crabs hunt at night and can find fish while they are sleeping and...
  20. brian'sreef

    Fish suggestion

    the marine bettas just don't get big in length they get pretty big in girth to as you know their fins are very large and make up a good bit of it's size.. it's always good to have them in a large tank.. but you'll be fine.. and you can get other fish in there. gobies blennies what not and in...