Search results

  1. brian'sreef

    Engineering Goby and DSB

    they call them engineers for a good reason these guys can get big.. like 11 inches big.. and they are monster sand diggers.. a happy engineer can completly destroy a DSB sometimes causing a collapse of a rock structure.. these guys are really only good for species tanks.. they are cool looking...
  2. brian'sreef

    Will this work for a small reef set up?

    i doubt you'd even need a powerhead in that small of a tank.. i have a ten gal reef and my penguin 125 bio-wheel produces enough current .. i'm not familiar with that lighting system but maybe someone else knows that answer.. if you are just setting up the tank you aren't gonna want to put a...
  3. brian'sreef

    lunar and blueheaded wrasse

    those two guys can get pretty large and they love to swim. i'm not sure putting two would be such a great idea even in a 125 i almost put a lunar in mine but decided against it.. plus they eat a lot of smaller creatures live pods and having two big eaters in one tank may not be a good...
  4. brian'sreef

    how many times a yearmonth do you syphon your substrate?

    i never siphon mine.. i have a dsb and there are plenty of creatures within the sand that do that for me.. Brian
  5. brian'sreef

    safest crab?

    hermits will only attack and kill snails if they don't have shells to move into as they grow.. they will kill each other for this reason as well .. if you add some assorted sized empty shells your hermits would be fine.. you may loose some to quarrels amongst themselves but for their price it's...
  6. brian'sreef

    Sexy Shrimp?

    anemone shrimp and sexy shrimp are actually different but both very cool.. and reef safe.. Brian
  7. brian'sreef

    button polyps

    justin glad to hear those frags got there ok .. welcome Okie..... there are a lot of places you can go to get buttons and other corals .. online anyway.. i'd just do a search if you're not planning on buying from here.. good luck hope you find what you are wanting Brian
  8. brian'sreef

    Tank Prices?

    on thing which i'm sure you noticed other wise this wouldn't be an issue.. is that the oceanic tanks are good, beautiful tanks.. .. i personally have a 125 perfecto aquarium.. it's never leaked and it looks great.. it's really all up to whether or not you have the extra hundred dollars to throw...
  9. brian'sreef

    Sally lightfoot

    i personally wouldn't put one in a reef tank while they are normally considered reef safe they are still a crab and like most crabs they are scavengers who will eat just about anything that they feel like.. like hermits while they may not kill as soon as something dies they go to work on it...
  10. brian'sreef

    Sexy Shrimp?

    yes sexy shrimp are reef safe.. in fact they like to hang around on corals and do their little wave as you described.. nice thing about them is that they are so small and stay that small .. i set my fiance up a two gallon reef and put a couple sexy shrimp in it they do great and are very...
  11. brian'sreef

    20 gal cycled in 1 week????

    it's absolutely possible, a lot of people have tanks that take nill time to cycle for their readings to go down .. it's just a good idea to age a tank before adding livestock.. in the case of a hosp. it's not that big a deal.. Brian
  12. brian'sreef

    White cacoon looking pods. What are they??

    they are probably a type of sponge i have a similar species in my reef they have grown a lot around the filter system areas and on the back wall where current is high.. i'd say that's what it is.. maybe someone else can help more.. a pic would be cool Brian
  13. brian'sreef

    how big do copperbands get?

    unfortunately i'm unsure as to the exact size.. i've seen them up to about 7-8inches tail to nose.. which isn't bad considering that nose of thiers.. i had one for a while and he was eaten by a carpet anemone that i no longer have..anway there's a perspective.. good luck Brian
  14. brian'sreef

    Got a dwarf lion today.

    lions can be joined by a lot of different fish ..tangs triggers hawks groupers puffers among other.. while your tank is way too small for some of these fish.. hawks and maybe even a trigger or eel would work like a flame hawk or a snowflake moray. or a picasso trigger ..the dwarf obviously due...
  15. brian'sreef

    probably a stupid question

    i'd like to know the answer to that question myself.. never heard of a fish that needs light to survive.. while most fish enjoy light.. they can easily get used to not having much or any at far as i know anyway.. most mushrooms and polyps like stars or buttons.. will live under a low...
  16. brian'sreef

    Anyone who has ever been stung. . .

    for the most part bristle worms are about all you have to worry about sometimes with miving live rock you can get hit by one and it does burn and itch.. anemones aren't a problem so much while some people are really bothered by it's stinging cells others like my self are not.. i really don't...
  17. brian'sreef

    prized fish?

    my purple tang is probably my favorite.. then my pair of mandarins.. i like to watch them dance.enjoy you're new tank and definately go with your more docile or smaller fish first... especially try to hold off on throwing tangs in there right away.. they get way too territorial in a tank by...
  18. brian'sreef

    Sea Apple Cucumber

    i second that, cuke's are not a good choice for beginners though they are amazing sand sifters they die easily or get sucked into power heads and either way when they die they release toxins that kill just about everything plus makes a terrible mess of your water.. again i'd get him out and...
  19. brian'sreef

    Help! Help! help! Sea Apple milk?

    not too familiar with sea apples in particular but i do know that like their smaller relatives they can excrete a deadly toxin when they die..i lost an entire tank to that once.. i would keep an eye on him.. if he looks like he's starting to die i'd take him out. maybe someone else out there...
  20. brian'sreef


    copepods are tiny crustaceans that live amongst live rock and live sand.. alot of fish eat them and some require can see them at night in you tank with a flashlight shine around in there for a while and you should see some.. Brian