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  1. toddv89

    LED Lighting For Reef Tank???

    Quote: Originally Posted by Lubeck Here it is- GHL Mitras LX 6100 HV yeah that light is every thing you could want and more. it better have a built in movie projector or some thing for that price. i have been looking a these for a little while too just let me know what you think...
  2. toddv89

    LED Lighting For Reef Tank???

    I have herd about that rapid led i should probally look into that a little more. im just worried about spending 300 to 400 dollars and then putting some thing together wrong lol.
  3. toddv89

    LED Lighting For Reef Tank???

    I have been looking into alot of lighting options for my tank which is a 46g bow front and every thing seems to be pointing to led's being the the "new wave" in aquarium lighting for many reasons. Energy efficency being the biggest reason that i can see and thats the big reason i will go with...
  4. toddv89

    Clowns not Eating??

    i will definatly stop feeding brine shrimp and get some mysis next time i go to the LFS. My tank paramaters are SG-1.025 PH-8.2 Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-40 to 60ppm temp-76 -77 I just added some cheto to my refugeum so that should help me out with the nitrates its a 46 glallon bowfront with a...
  5. toddv89

    Clowns not Eating??

    Hello i have two clown fish that i purchased about three weeks ago and when i first got them they both seemed to be eating well was feeding them twice a day and the only thing i could get them to eat was bring shrimp. but about a week ago one of the clows started losing alot of color he was...
  6. toddv89

    Adding live rock to established tank

    The fastest way to get more rock in your tank would be to drive to that LFS and pick some up and bring it home. Before i drove all the way there tho i would first call them and make sure they have some pre-cured live rock so that way you can put it directly into your tank or you could order it...
  7. toddv89

    Diatom's dying??

  8. toddv89

    cycling question??

    will coraline algae grow in a tank naturally with out putting in live rock that has some already growing on it?
  9. toddv89

    cycling question??

    i probally would have rather gone with using live sand and live rock because its alot faster way to cycle a tank but im on a little bit of a budget so i just figured i could add a peice and then just give the tank plenty on time to build bacteria and slowely add live stock to the tank so i dont...
  10. toddv89

    cycling question??

    hello i have just started my first salt water aquarium i am currently cycling with no live sand and no live rock. i am using using some cocktail shrimp to intriduce amonia to my tank to start my cycle so im doing a fish less cycle im on about day 5 or 6 rite now. but my question is should i get...
  11. toddv89

    You know your a fishkeeper when...

    you know your a fish keeper when you get to work at 10 today and have spent till lets see its aobut 5 right now looking at fish forums and fish videos on you tube
  12. toddv89

    pvc over flow concern

    yea i have tested every thing and its about as flood proof as any other pvc overflow system. i like your idea about using a power head with a small air line attached to it and then running that into the hob part of the overflow. you are meaning the power heads that specifically have an air line...
  13. toddv89

    pvc over flow concern

    so i made my over flow about a month ago and most people when making a pvc over flow put a little peice of air line tubing with a check valve and an aqua lifter on the top of the pvc to prime the system i figured i could make it work by just submergeing the whole main part of the over flow and...
  14. toddv89

    Painted PVC

    thanks i figured at least 24 hours for it to cure but i wasnt sure if i needed to wait longer for some chemicals to evaporate or some thing like that. Just didnt want to mess any thing up you know
  15. toddv89

    Painted PVC

    Trying to find out how long i should wait to put my painted pvc bakc in my aquarium. i used some krylon fusion and it applies very well to the pvc and looks nice but im just not sure how long to wait before i put it back in my aquarium?? 24hrs?? 2 weeks??
  16. toddv89

    Starting my first 20 gal. long sump/refuge.

    i would say you would be fine with using that power head im using a submersable pump rated at 500 gph on my sump and my return flow is still pretty good and it takes the water straight up about 3 or 4 feet. not sure how many gph i or you will lose by pumping that water uphill but there are ways...
  17. toddv89

    PVC Over Flow??

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Don't forget a quarter turn after you insert the pipe in the joint to seal it well. yea i did that i actally put every thing together about a day ago and used some pvc cement and then i thought i might have done all that in vain and wasnt suposed to use...
  18. toddv89

    PVC Over Flow??

    just wondering if any one knows the best way to put together some pvc to use in an aquarium im not sure if pvc cement is toxic to fish or if i need to buy a certian thing to glue thoes pipes together?
  19. toddv89

    Live Rock Question???

    i was thinking about useing a canister filter on my new aquarium set up im planning but insted im right now working on a 10 gallon sump for my 46 gallon cichlid tank and hopefully it will work good and then i will be able to have some algae in my sump for my salt water tank so i will be able to...
  20. toddv89

    Live Rock Question???

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude Really? U dont think its the bacteria in the rock? I look at coralline as a good indicator that ur on the right path.... proper cal and mag levels...and watever else grow the algae. The bacteria is the starter for the aerobic and anerobic process. well as i...