You know your a fishkeeper when...


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/309627/you-know-your-a-fishkeeper-when/80#post_3457277
LOL...yes, they do turn into conversation pieces.....I brought the Overnight Federal Express man in once to show him what he is always bringing me,......LOL.....
We ordered Pappa John's during the Superbowl. First thing out of the guy's mouth at the door was "What's the score?"
"Still 10-9 Pats, come in for a minute?" "Yeah, thanks!"
He never made it past the tank....


That explains a lot! No wonder our apartment was selected for a 'random' inspected several months ago.
You know your a real fish keeper, when the Local police beat on your door with guns drawn screaming, police search warrant open the door or we will break in down...You open the door with your hands up, so scared you wanna cry and wet your pants... They take a look at your fish tank and start asking you questions... My hands still in the air and standing facing the wall .... True story happened to me 8 years ago... I would always get a few that stopped by to talk and look at the tank, till duty called... Kinda weird cracking open a iced cold adult beverage in front of the PO PO..
That's really funny! The same thing happened with firemen several years ago. I was living in Brooklyn & I thought I had a gas leak. The FDNY came with full gear including a truck and axes. When they realized there was no gas leak they stayed for a while to watch the Yankees game which happened to be on. lol


Well-Known Member
You know your a fishkeeper when you determine just how much of your grocery money you can use on new coral frags without starving that week. LOL (kinda true story)


New Member
you know your a fish keeper when you get to work at 10 today and have spent till lets see its aobut 5 right now looking at fish forums and fish videos on you tube


You know you're a fish keeper when you're meeting up with a fellow hobbyist in a parking lot to trade coral frags and the cops pull up thinking that they're about to bust up a drug deal......


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/309627/you-know-your-a-fishkeeper-when/80#post_3459178
LOL Theresa and I have done this! A "seahorse deal" in the back parking lot behind Cracker Barrel!!
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
You know you're a fish keeper when you're meeting up with a fellow hobbyist in a parking lot to trade coral frags and the cops pull up thinking that they're about to bust up a drug deal......

LOL...I did too...It was in a school parking lot with Loopy101...


Active Member
you spend time staring at your empty fish tank fantasizing about what it will look like complete rather than watching tv.
in EVERY room in your house there is something related to your fish tank.....


Well-Known Member
You know your a fish keeper when the power goes out your first thought isnt about he fridge/ freezer but your fish tank
When your aquarium stand is the best looking piece of furniture in your house
When your kids know all the real names of the characters in finding nemo.
When you get a fishy tattoo and show the artist a pic of your reef tank.
When your nonfishy friends quit talking to you
When you start pricing cherry cleaner clams at your local grocery store
When you start racking up aquariums in your garage
When your spouse who isn't really into fishiness knows more about it than the people at a big box store.
When people call you the fish guy
When you can use a test kit without the manual.
When you go grocery shopping for your fish instead of your family