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  1. exoticaquatic

    training fresh water fish: Fact or Fiction?

    Ive done it wiht a beta, and my friend did it with mollies, i just very slowly added salt, i never got the beta to the exact saltanity level (it jumped out of the tank in the night and dried up) but it was just under 1.000 im sure he would of lived.
  2. exoticaquatic


    i dont know how pet stores are in st louis but my local fish stores in chicago will order anything you want. I know its about 4-5 hour drive to st.louis to chicago, if you get desperate you can call stores in the chicago land area that will order you one.
  3. exoticaquatic


    aquacon, look up that im not sure, i think the websit is but if not just go to and look up aquacon it should show up, they have them there
  4. exoticaquatic

    black edged moray....

    the black edge should do fine in a 55 gallon, it comes from the caribbean, it will accept amlost any type of food, and will attack fish (but just about any eel will do that) they are smaller closer to the size of the snowflake. the scientific name would be gymnothorax nigromarginatus, hopefully...
  5. exoticaquatic

    eel in a 55?

    I have a trigger in with my unknown eel, im starting to think its a chainlink, and they get along fine. I only hand feed my fish, It seems to make them calmer. I even fed my lionfish out of my hand. it may sound stupid but they got so used to me they'll wait in an upright position at the top of...
  6. exoticaquatic

    my water has been cloudy for 5 days now! pleze help!

    I had the same exact set up, went from piranhas to saltwater with s 75 gallon,white sand on the bottom, but instead of crushed coral i used shells, filled mine up with a garden hose,the water started out milky but cleared by morning, i have a enhiem professional 2 series canister filter with...
  7. exoticaquatic

    my water has been cloudy for 5 days now! pleze help!

    I had the same exact set up, went from piranhas to saltwater with s 75 gallon,white sand on the bottom, but instead of crushed coral i used shells, filled mine up with a garden hose,the water started out milky but cleared by morning, i have a enhiem professional 2 series canister filter with...
  8. exoticaquatic

    75 gallon set up

    i was wondering what everone thinks the best possible filtration for a 75 gallon aquarium would be? going all out.
  9. exoticaquatic

    Mantis Shrimp

    they sell shrimp traps, wich is food in a clear casing so when they grab the food it encloses them, id try squirting warm water in his area then when he comes out catch him with a net. it works fine. watch your fingers!!!
  10. exoticaquatic

    eel in a 55?

    Just about any eel will do fine, i know the last person said nothin under 1000 gallons but its rare that they get over 7 feet in captivity, knowing this and knowing many eels like to curl up so they can protect their whole body, i would chose a chainlink, zebra, snowflake (smaller eel), or a...
  11. exoticaquatic

    What do people think after you tell them your hobby?

    they think its a waste of money, espeacially my girlfriend who thinks i spend more money on my fish then her, which shes right, i do.
  12. exoticaquatic


    I checked out that web site, it didnt look like any of them, its got a head like the dragon, but i different pattern closer to the chain, but with different colors, Ill take a picture of it tonight and post it
  13. exoticaquatic


    yes!!!! it does have to horn like flaps!! and long jaws, its very aggressive, i paid $70 i knowthe owner of the pet store though
  14. exoticaquatic


    does the shark always do barrel rolls every time it moves? if it does this it can be suffering from s stroke, wich can happen from being freaked out, or water temp change. sometimes when they have strokes they lose controll of their bouncey, sharks and fish have different air sacs that they can...
  15. exoticaquatic


    I have had this eel for about an year, I had it imported from hawaii, it is a dark maroon color with gold tiger stripes, It looks like a form of a moray eel but i have no clue what kind . IF anyone could help id appreciate it <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  16. exoticaquatic

    antennata or dwarf

    hey, a hawk fish would be fine, i keep my lion with a huma huma trigger, yellow tang, porcupine puffer, and a eel, Im not sure what kind of eel, I had it imported from hawaii, Its rare and i havent been able to find any information about it, its maroon with gold stripes.
  17. exoticaquatic

    trigger in 29 gal

    I have Trained my huma huma trigger fish!!! I read that they are one of the smartest fish, ive trianed him to swim through a hoop, roll over and let me scratch his belly, and pick up shells at the bottome of the tank. I just use food as a "reward" and now when i put my hand in there to clean it...
  18. exoticaquatic

    Triggers & lion

    Trigger fish are amazing, i added mine first, they are supposed to be one of the smartest fish and are able to be trained, mine swims through a hoop, retreives shells from the bottom of my tank, and rolls over to let me rub its belly, get them first, youll never want another fish!
  19. exoticaquatic

    Look for companions!!!

    i have a eel, lion fish, huma huma trigger fish, and yellow tang, and a porcupine puffer, they live together perfectly. no injuries, or deaths for 2 years, since i started them together.
  20. exoticaquatic

    Undulated Question

    I think they'll do fine, i have a lion fish, huma huma trigger (undulated), porcupine puffer, and a yellow tang. And a rare eel, i forget the name, and havent been able to find any information about it on the net, i had it shipped from hawaii. Its a deep maroon with gold stripes. They all live...