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  1. kimtex

    please id. pics attached

    unknown 1 and 2 are mushrooms unknown 3 are sailors eyes get rid of these they will take over the tank quickly
  2. kimtex

    What is the best book about reed aquariums?

    the conscientious marine Robert M Fenner. Getting Into Jim Fatherree
  3. kimtex


    how big is this fish looking in my books to see what this is a juvinal powder brown has yellow out line and has the faw like spots
  4. kimtex

    leather died! help! ammonia!

    get a polyfilter to remove toxins and an amonia out to help
  5. kimtex

    Help - Sick Yellow Tang

    get some spirulina flake it will help him eat and they need it to be brite and healthy
  6. kimtex


    i dont know if you have rock but remember a queen is very territ....move rock so all fish have the same chance to get adjusted
  7. kimtex

    Can't keep inverts alive

    ok if hermits are staying alive you have something in your tank that is poisioning them get a polyfilter let it run add calcium when the snail stay alive then you can add anything you want to but keep polys on hand if anything like this happen you can put them in...spent a lot of money hiring a...
  8. kimtex

    What Happened?

    had the same problem at first water tested fine but dies anyway there is a toxin in the tank go and but some polyfilter and let them run once the whit poly turns black pull it out and put another one in that will remove all toxins and poisons...kimtex
  9. kimtex

    Got ick ! need HELP !

    from speaking to some prof. i have learned that ick will always be in the tank...from exp. do not use copper it has to be tested every 3 hours or you will lose eveything...check water quality and do a water change use a stress coat and a strees zime in tank will not hurt fish or inverts and keep...
  10. kimtex

    someone know anything about this? please read....thank you

    also use spirulina....kimtex
  11. kimtex

    someone know anything about this? please read....thank you

    i love my yellow tang to but if you zoe in the tank it will help w/colore also you need to feed