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  1. james brown

    how to feed blue ribbon eel...

    dag! when I brought him home he seemed fine with my lions, he tried attacking one of my hermit crabs(I would've been fine with that as long as he eats) but then he let it go. he still gets along fine with the lions but he won't even eat my cleaner shrimp.
  2. james brown

    how many lions in a 55 gal.

    dude, I've kept 3 volitan lions, undulated trigger, picasso trigger, sfe all in a 60 gal. with no problems... other than the tank gets very dirty. keep whatever you want, the more fish=more water change.
  3. james brown

    how to feed blue ribbon eel...

    I just bought a blue ribbon eel about 3 days ago and he hasn't eaten yet. How long should I wait before I should start panicking? I've tried to feed him frozen squid and crab. I've tried leaving the food at the bottom of the tank and I've tried a feeding stick either way I haven't seen him eat...
  4. james brown

    eel compatible with...

    I was just wondering if a eel will eat worms, such as feather dusters and a large pink type worm?
  5. james brown

    my mushroom

    my mushroom has large white bubbles in the middle, I don't think this is normal. the other day it excreted a long red string. does anyone know what is wrong with my mushroom?
  6. james brown

    killer peppermint shrimp

    why do my peppermint shrimp eat my inverts? I believe they ate my starfish and I caught them eating my cucumber. has anyone had a problem with peppermint shrimp?
  7. james brown


    I can't seem to figure out what lights to use, I haven't been able to find a place that sells pc's, and I don't know much 'bout mh. Do people usually use 1000w or 400w mh? has anyone heard of a compact flourescent bulb that fits in a mh setup? it's supposed to be just as strong, 15520 lumens...
  8. james brown

    picasso trigger attacking damsels

    triggers are very aggressive and territorial fish you should always put triggers in a tank last but not with small fish such as damsels.
  9. james brown

    are my starfish doign it?

    all I know is that if you cut a starfish in half, the two halves will become two full starfish. I have never heard of starfish doing it.
  10. james brown

    will a lion eat...?

    ok, then I guess I won't be putting a dwarf lion with them, just in case.
  11. james brown

    will a lion eat...?

    I want to buy a 1 inch dwarf lion, just wondering if he'll eat my peppermint shrimp?
  12. james brown

    lion with lockjaw?

    Thanks man. So krill is bad...stupid fish guy told me to feed him krill. i'll try these foods and we'll see what happens.
  13. james brown

    lion with lockjaw? water seems fine, ammonia is fine, nitrate is fine. i feed him frozen krill every second day. he lives with one other lion and a huma huma trigger and a undulated trigger. all tankmates look good. does he just need to tough it out or what?
  14. james brown

    lion with lockjaw?

    my lion's mouth won't close all the way. when feeding he can't attack the food the way he used to. i think it's hard for him to eat. has anyone had this problem with a lion before? any ideas?
  15. james brown

    lion w/ lockjaw?

    my lion's mouth won't close all the way. when feeding he can't attack the food the way he used to. i think it's hard for him to eat. has anyone had this problem with a lion before? any ideas?