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  1. roggy23

    Can filter noise solution?

    I have an old rena xp3 can filter works good but it seems its a little bit louder than before. I have a fealing its the motor? Anyone have any ideas ? The noise is coming from the top part of the filter and im thinking if i got a new motor it would reduce the noise... please help
  2. roggy23

    Canister Filter On and Off?

    Ive had this filter for too long cant take it back.. but why would you recommend a wisper?
  3. roggy23

    Canister Filter On and Off?

    I have a rena xp3 can filter and it makes some oise not too much and I was wondering if its ok to put it on a timer say for 12 hours on and 12 hours off? Will it affect my tank? BTW My tank is freshwater and 60gal and has low bio load.
  4. roggy23

    Do I Still Need to Cycle tank?

    I just converted by salt to fresh.. i rinsed out tank and cleaned it etc.. not sure how much salt remained but its not much if any. Anyway, I used the heater from the salt setup after cleaning it but not too well and i placd it back into tank. Question is do i need to start a cycle? or will any...
  5. roggy23

    best way to remove LS?

    im moving so whats the best way to remove the sand an transfer it to my buckets?
  6. roggy23

    What is the trick to reef tanks?

    I know its a lot but mainly would u guys say LIGHTING!!!!!
  7. roggy23

    Im MOving Help

    ok thx scott
  8. roggy23

    Im MOving Help

    Is it safe to suck up my sand bed and transfer it along with the water into jugs??? And is it safe to do a 50% water change? The rocks and fish im gonna put in a cooler
  9. roggy23

    MH lights???

    man thats nice kip and thanks all for posts.... i wish i was handy enough to attach those halides and wire them correctly onto the canopy :(
  10. roggy23

    MH lights???

    DO all MH lights need to be hung over the tanks? cuz of heat ?
  11. roggy23

    Metal hallide lights and a canopy?

    how do u get MH lights to fit in 60 gal stand under the canopy???
  12. roggy23

    corals never last??

    is it my lighting? 4 compact flueroscent 55 watt... im thinkin not good eough for my 60 gal to keep a reef tank!
  13. roggy23

    wanting to add easy corals!!!

    I want to add corals to my setup, but i have crappy lights 4 55 watt compact flueroescent so what are low light low maintenance corals i can use???
  14. roggy23

    Horrible kind of algae help!!!

    i have purple also its just i hate seeing all those green circular algaes all over the back of tank in front of my blue background.
  15. roggy23

    Horrible kind of algae help!!!

    thanks for the reply guys, ok so its safe to get rid of that corraline aglae right?
  16. roggy23

    safe to add LS???

    ok so dump slowly and it will do the trick!!!
  17. roggy23

    safe to add LS???

    is it safe to add live sand to a mature setup at any time to bulk up my biological filtration....will that cause a cycle?
  18. roggy23

    Horrible kind of algae help!!!

    can anyone help me with identyfing this algae and what i can do to get rid of it and whats the easiest wway to get it off??? they are like all against the glass and are circular
  19. roggy23

    can i see some 55-60 gal tanks?

    heres mine, still progressing
  20. roggy23

    my 60 gal tank

    what doy ou guys think