Search results

  1. sdmarriott

    is this as big as it sounds

    How long has anybody been dosing this product? I would like to know about the long-term effects of using it. A product by a company named HTH (hope that helps) has to be good, right?! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  2. sdmarriott

    shark, damsel, trigger ?

    Yes and no. Your level changes with the number of posts, but you have to be selected to be a shark (or moderator).
  3. sdmarriott

    wet/dry filter

    My mistake, I tried the search and got no results. Maybe because of the new server? Anyway, check out these web pages for a start: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a...
  4. sdmarriott

    wet/dry filter

    If you try a search you will find a lot of threads on this subject.
  5. sdmarriott


    How long has the tank been set up and are you using RO water? It sounds like you are getting a diatom bloom which is fairly common in new tanks and should subside once the nutrients that feed it are exhausted. Use of RO water can help to minimize those nutrients. Your lfs should sell phosphate...
  6. sdmarriott

    Canister help anyone ????

    I've never heard anyone say that they got nitrites from southdown, but that does not mean it doesn't happen. I don't have a fluval so my comments here are general. You probably need to clean out the sponges more often at least while you're adding sand as they can clog up an decrease the...
  7. sdmarriott

    What is the very best canister out there??

    If you give us some more details as to the size of tank you want and what you want to keep in it people can make more informed (and thus more useful) recommendations. From what I have read, some people are either retiring their cannister filters or removing the media and using them just for...
  8. sdmarriott

    hows this sound?

    I personally decided to skip most of the crabs. I read that some of them will pick at corals plus they will eat the snails. JMO.
  9. sdmarriott

    Help me stock my 125 reef

    From what I have read, you're pushing the envelope with two tangs (I have not tried it). I just mentioned that because you mentioned you would like some more tangs.
  10. sdmarriott

    My new 125 gallon tank

    Sounds like a good plan! Keep us up-to-date on your progress.
  11. sdmarriott

    FREE 280 Gallon reef... livestock and all

    opazen - You could reduce some of your upfront cost by using your existing 48 gal. as a sump for the new tank. Just a thought.
  12. sdmarriott

    FREE 280 Gallon reef... livestock and all

    Moving the tank will not be that hard, you have been given some good avice here on how to do it. The key is to take your time and do it right. However, have you considered whether you will be able to afford to maintain the tank once it is setup? This is not an inexpensive hobby with all of the...
  13. sdmarriott

    Does this sound like a good deal to you?

    I bought a new Oceanic 125 with pine stand, glass tops, and NO lights for ~ $500 (+tax) a few months ago. Even with the Magnum and the Skilter I wouldn't give that much for a used 125 with a metal stand. JMO.
  14. sdmarriott

    Not Recom.

    I think we're missing something here.
  15. sdmarriott

    Lighting Watts/gal

    Three bills may not be enough for MH, especially for the 115 gallon tank in your profile.
  16. sdmarriott

    DIY Wet Dry Trickle Filter

    Here two of many helpful sites. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  17. sdmarriott

    Stocking Live Sand

    Couldn't hurt.
  18. sdmarriott

    My new 125 gallon tank

    Sounds like a pretty good setup. I have heard bad things about Rio pumps though, so you might want to considering replacing the pump in the near future. If you run a sump with a protein skimmer and add a fair amount of live rock and live sand, you probably wouldn't need the emperor 400s, but...
  19. sdmarriott

    Yeah or Neah

    Looks like an okay deal. Besides, the other tank (in the added link) was on the wrong side of the country for you. I would lose the UGF though.
  20. sdmarriott

    Removed UGF and.....

    What are your water parameters? Perhaps in removing the UGF you stirred things up enough to get them out of whack. Also, did you rearrange the rock while you were making the change? If so, that could be the cause of your anemones moving around anyway. Sounds like you should let the system...