Search results

  1. pb here

    how bad is bubble algae?

    It can get bad in a hurry. Be careful not to burst any of the bubbles. Keep up your water changes and when you do a change, let the hose suck the bubble out of the tank. Take DvSKiN's advice too. Get you an Emeral Crab or two.
  2. pb here

    what is a wave master

    Can you believe this? I got a three power head wave master for $20! I stopped by one of my LFS to pick up some Instant Ocean to doa water change. This particular store only sells fresh water fish but he carries some salt water supplies. He said when he bought the store six years ago the...
  3. pb here

    should I buy this?

    Wow. That's a lot of stuff he wants to sell you. Just my advice, and I am by no means an expert but here is what I did to save tons of money. Like others have said, at this time you have no need for the UV. I would go with with four 65 watt PC's instead of the MH for that size tank. I would...
  4. pb here

    Air bubbles on sponge

    I can't seem to figure out how to keep air bubbles off a sponge. I will rub the air bubbles off with my finger and a day later it is covered with them again. I have a 75 gal drilled tank. I have only one power head in the tank and it is located near the surface and the sponge is located at...
  5. pb here

    Adding fish after tangs

    Hello everybody, I've been away from the board for a while, hope everyone is well. I have a question regarding adding fish. My oldest daughter is begging me to give her my clown for her tank. I don't mind giving her the clown because I really do want a pair of perculas for my tank. My...
  6. pb here

    ??? Home Depot's Decorative Landscape Sand ???

    Eddie. I have a 75 gal tank. My sandbed is made up of 150lb. of the premium play sand from Home Depot. Not Southdown. Then I have another 50lb. of live sand on top of that. I have had no, zero, nadda, zilch problems from it. ANd it was a heck of a lot cheaper. (VBG)
  7. pb here

    Moving my 55 reef into a 135 gallon tank- help please!

    Java Joe I just recently went from a 38 to a 75 and here is how I did it. I did small water changes for several weeks but instead of throwing the water out, I saved it in Rubbermaid garbage can. I mixed in new water with it and kept a power head in the water. I put in 150 lbs of premium play...
  8. pb here

    What will eat purple bubble algae?

    ANy suggestions on getting rid of this stuff?
  9. pb here

    Cleaning salt residue

  10. pb here

    Cleaning salt residue

    Anybody have a suggestion on what will clean salt residue from the inside of a tank stand? Besides Salt Creep that is.
  11. pb here

    stand and canopy that doesn't look home made

    I have a 75 gal and it is proudly displayed in our great room. I did as Nolofinwe says... built it myself then added crown molding for trim. Looks beautiful!
  12. pb here

    Black trigger fish & reef tank

    Are you asking about the NIger or the Hawaiian Black? I have a Niger Trigger in my 75 gal reef and he is actually blue. I have not had him long but so far so good.
  13. pb here

    Okay, I'm ready for my corals to open up. (PH?)

    It's been 11 days since I moved everything from the 38 to the 75. Everything seemed to go okay. I've had a small diatom bloom but not bad. One Perc died two days ago and one is missing. He does like to swim in the back behind the rocks so I'm not sure if anything has happened to him or not...
  14. pb here

    why all the diatoms?

    Is 30% too much? I'm no expert by any means but I've always read or heard 10% to be a good amount.
  15. pb here

    Made the big move this weekend. (long)

    DSB. The CC was from the advice of the lfs four years ago when I got started.
  16. pb here

    Made the big move this weekend. (long)

    I made the move from the 38 gal at my office to the 75 gal tank at home. Everything went pretty smooth thanks to everything I have learned here at this site. Thanks everyone! I had been taking water home for the past five weeks. This past week I started taking rock home everyday. When I...
  17. pb here

    Candy Coral Questions

    My Candy Canes like the light. I keep them high in the tank.
  18. pb here

    Question on transfer

    Yes you would. I will be transferring everything in my 38 into my new 75 this weekend. The main thing is to plan the move in advance. I have been planning my move for 5 weeks. I have been filling my 75 with established water from my 38 along with new water. I have slowly been adding LR to...
  19. pb here

    Converting base rock to live rock

    THis is what makes this board so great. We learn so much every day.
  20. pb here

    Where to install and RO Unit

    I have mine mounted on the back of my house next to the spicket. I have a garden hose leading off down to the back of my yard for the run off.