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  1. scorpio24

    please give me an idea of what fish to get next.

    Im not really overstocked. I made sure that i get baby fish of all the species i get , none of them even eceed 1 inch except for the lion fish. And i am setting up a newer bigger tank at the moment so that when they get to big they can go in to the bigger tank, wich is about 75gall. :)
  2. scorpio24

    territorial cleaner shrimps

    how big is your tank? if it is small then you have put to many shrimp in and should take it out ammediately other wise it will die to . The shrimp are very territorial and will kill any intruder. You should of asked you pet store if it was male or female because only males attack males so thiers...
  3. scorpio24

    please give me an idea of what fish to get next.

    I have a 40 gall tank ehiem filter ehiem protien skimmer ro unit 0 nitrate 0 ammo and everything. 1 small zeb lion, coral puffa, 1 chromis (blue), blue devil damsel, 2 domino damsels,2 sand blennies and a scorpion fish all living happily together. May i have suggestions on what next.
  4. scorpio24

    pics are loaded

    nice one <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" /> your lucky to have more than one tang in a tank without them fighting. if they dont fisgt that means they like thire habitat. Youv'e done an excellent job. p.s i like your goby to <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0"...
  5. scorpio24

    Keeping Seahorses

    the water temp has to be arouynd 26 degrees. And my ones usually munch on a frozen mixture of brine shrimp and bread. :D
  6. scorpio24

    seahorse tank?????

    the tank would have to be atleast 26 dgrees other wise they will die depending on what horses you get. Yellow reef horse or (agathus horsellius) need warm temperatures but thats like most tanks. Try not to have to many fish tho otherwise they will feel uncomfotable and die.
  7. scorpio24

    New pic's, take a look...

    thtas excellent work for just a few months im impressed . thos etangs look happy. I 'de like to no what else you have in there so keep in touch because its a great tank. :)
  8. scorpio24

    Anyone heard of Rodarie Anemones???

    thats just a scientific name for rosie anenome. Ihave one and they are really hardy. They do need a strong coral light tho. And they are great host for your clown trustmee. You will have to feed a small feeding of brine shrimp twice a day tho , i hope this has helped you.
  9. scorpio24

    Pix of my Tank

    Nice one man , to bad about the scanner im sure it looks great tho. i how many galls looks to me like 40/45. Perhaps a bit more couler , but its in the early stages so thats fine. when do u think u will get the other tank up , i'de like to see it in action. Nice rocks to. get more photos of it...
  10. scorpio24


    yeah but i have a license, other wise its illegle. I also make a good profit off selling fish to local pet stores.
  11. scorpio24


    Stuff paying for a lionfish i caught mine in an inlet near minor st miami. hahahahaha
  12. scorpio24

    Breeding pair of lions

    recently i puschased a femaile zeb lion fish. (I alredy have a male). and yesterday i noticed that the female is pregnant. Tho im not sure if it mated with my male lionfish or one in the store. What do you Think? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  13. scorpio24

    My coral banded shrimp is missing?

    try leaving the sunlight off for a couple of hours. They are nocturnal feedres so watch carefully and hopefully it will come out. It will give your fish a sleep in to.
  14. scorpio24


    i myself have one. But just make sure there is 0 ammo because one wiff and its dead