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  1. bab

    wormy live rock help! help!

    I have recently started a new 60g tank and 2 weeks later added live rock, the problem you see all started with the rock.. I adopted a blue damsel from an unsucessful friend and was living in the empty tank with some coral sand. A week later i added some large pieces of lr, about 14 kilos(not...
  2. bab


    wait, you have all those fish in a 25g? is that right? did anything even move in there.. no wonder everything died, my dad has a freshwater tank with soo many fish in there but it is very very different in saltwater fish keeping. I would say to every inch of fish (adult size) needs about 5...
  3. bab


    wait, you have all those fish in a 25g? is that right? did anything even move in there.. no wonder everything died, my dad has a freshwater tank with soo many fish in there but it is very very different in saltwater fish keeping. I would say to every inch of fish (adult size) needs about 5...
  4. bab

    Fish Encylopidia

  5. bab

    Clown V Cleaner

    If it was me I'd get rid of the cleaner, I've found them to be slightly annoying and sorry, but a bit ugly. I'd put one in the tank only to help clean my fish but it seems this one is tearing them apart.. Maybey this is his cry for attention from you:o
  6. bab

    The Beginning!

    wow looks really good :)
  7. bab

    How much water should i change??

    sounds good, ill be watching out on how its all going then :) all the best
  8. bab

    How much water should i change??

    Is your tank only a month old? has it finished cycling? Make sure it has, before you do your first water change or you will destroy the 'good' bateria that has been created.. you dont want your tank to cycle again.
  9. bab

    Powder Blue tand &....

    I know people have disagreed with me before but I wouldn't think adding a angel of any kind is reef safe, I havent been in the hobby for years and years but i've seen there not.
  10. bab

    What besides perc. clowns?

    Strawberry Dottyback, there colourful and hardy small fish, Alot of people think they are agressive, nasty even, but its just there personality. you just have to get to know them (there a creeper) :)
  11. bab

    Tank mates???

    angels wont do well in a tank so young, wait 6 months until it is mature.. maybey wait a bit for the bioload to catch up with the fish you've just added, its still a new tank
  12. bab

    Tang and tank size question

    Something i can never understand why would you buy a fish full knowing that you havent the room for it to grow, I read it everyday on this board. Personally I would never want to buy a fish and have to take it back later because its getting to big?!?! Tangs need the space.... sure they can...
  13. bab

    Cycling Damsels???

    Most of us have had to face the ethical question in saltwater fish keeping, cycling with damsels? I know more than a handful of people in the hobby who would say there good for nothing else, just wanted to know what you think.....
  14. bab

    hippo tang behaviour

    ha, :) well its been a bit nerve racking at first watching them, almost as if there fighting but i think they've settle down a bbit and begun the accept each other... sammy: no offense taken, thanks for all the help :)
  15. bab

    hippo tang behaviour

    thanks for all the help and errr... encouragement? :( Seriously though where not in competition for anything here, just have a common hobby (or what my parents like to refer to as a an obsession)...appreciate all the help, I'll let you know how the tank is going and the tang when/if he comes...
  16. bab

    Beach Sand

    the sand I was thinking of using is virtually untouched, its beautiful sand and looks so much better than the stuff in Ifs, clean and white it would come from just south of the great barrier reef where hundreds of saltwater fish live so i figured it would be very aquarium safe, but i wouldn't...
  17. bab

    Beach Sand

    I live in a clean costal area of australia, not many people live in the area and there are close to no tourists, I am thinking of using sand and some crushed shells for the bottom matter in my aquarium. The sand is virtually untouched and im sure there is no or very very little pollution on the...
  18. bab

    Clown Q?

    a simple question, whats the difference between false/ true percula clowns? :confused: is there a difference?
  19. bab

    hippo tang behaviour

    I have been worried before about being able to mantain the health of a hippo tang, just a conversation about them ends up in a heated discussion about ich, or should i say marine ich.. i think im going to be very nerous for a while when the hippo eventually comes home with me :) thanks for all...
  20. bab

    Ok now angels :) Which have you good luck with??

    i think it would be safe to say that no angel is reef safe, they may not even look twice at the coral then maybey two years later they get a taste for it and wipe the whole lot out, personally i love angels particulary the flame which i would try anyway, good ;) luck