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  1. nyreef

    Seaclone 100 Help!!!

    It will depend on how much junk you have in your tank also if there is nothing to skim then it won't..Also with seaclone you have to make sure the airflow is good. To react in the chamber..
  2. nyreef

    BulkHead Horror Story

    Actually there has got to be another way to doit...If not this is always a great time to go bigger...
  3. nyreef

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    I think i got drunk and woke up next to that last weekend...
  4. nyreef

    Free U-Build It to the 100th post

  5. nyreef

    wet/dry questions

    I was thinking of doing the same thing but decided I am going to go with a refugium for the tank and try total filtration that way...Good luck which either way you decide..
  6. nyreef

    10 gallon kitchen nano

    everything everyone could want in a ten gallon tank awsome...great job..Does your wife mind the loss of cupboard space??:p
  7. nyreef


    actually that is a good question how much flow do you have going threw the refugium??
  8. nyreef

    What is the best refugium setup?

    thanks for the help...
  9. nyreef

    What is the best refugium setup?

    Ok folks need help will be setting up a refugium I have a 20 gal tank that I want to use for the refugium for my 55gal tank what is the best setup for the 20 gal ? Do you put a seperator in the refugium and use it like a sump or whats the best?:confused:
  10. nyreef


    OK so if I have it gravity to the refugium and pump it back to the tank this is bad? or is it better to gravity return from the refugium??:confused:
  11. nyreef


    ok here is another one...I have little worms that look like inch worms on top of my dsb and idea what they are?:confused:
  12. nyreef


    Ok everyone was wondering does anyone have a refugium setup and since it was setup how have your nitrate levels been? I heard that with one of these and the right macroalge you can reduce your nitrate levels to nothing....
  13. nyreef

    Calling all Louisiana Reefers!

    but not from that area good idea thought:eek: