Search results

  1. itchy

    hunger strike seahorse

    Hey Sleeper, Seahorses need a species only tank. They are slow eaters and can not compete with most fish. anemones are a terrible idea simply because they can sting other fish and seahorses like to hitch to everything. If the male has hitched to the anemone and been stung this could be one...
  2. itchy

    I'm stressing here!!!

    I too have a FA that for a few weeks kept showing signs of ich. At one point I thought I would loose her. I started soaking food in garlic and vitamins on a daily basis and now there are no signs of ICH 2.5 months out. I continue to soak foods with the garlic and vitamins as I believe strongly...
  3. itchy

    Ordering fish from this site

    I buy most everything from this site. IMO it is well worth it. I usually buy 2 fish and some clean up crew or somthing I Need in addition. I have only had one DOA and they replaced it with my next none they have been the best. Good Luck
  4. itchy

    vegas trip!! tank sitter got an A+

    I have some great pics of the tank in the Mirage..I am looking for them as we the tank is Gorgeous..Vegas is my favorite city. We try to go at least 3 times a year. Went to the Bahamas last may and stayed at Atlantis...those shark tanks and rays are unbelieveable....the slides are...
  5. itchy

    A Major Crisis

    way over stocked :eek:
  6. itchy


  7. itchy

    I've Did Everything all Wrong!!! Please Help!

    Fitzieni, Sorry I didn't get back to your other post, been away. I hope all is well. please update me as to how things are going or what you decided to do.. Did they take the damsels back? Did you set up the other tank to start cycling it? Just curious and didn't want you to think I bailed...
  8. itchy

    I've Did Everything all Wrong!!! Please Help!

    The 18 gallon will suffice but you will have a hard time mainting water quality. Lights, like I said are not a concern for you now. If you can take back the damsels and keep the 10 gallon running until you get a bigger tank you will be fine with the 1 clown and the shrimp FOR NOW. So here is...
  9. itchy


    Roll Call??? :hilarious Yep! :happy:
  10. itchy

    I've Did Everything all Wrong!!! Please Help!

    Fitzieni, First calm down and everyone here will try to help you. True this is going to be a bit of work but nothing that you can't work out. First off lights are not a huge issue for you since you only have fish. If you can add some LS this may help with the cycle that you will most...
  11. itchy

    what else can i stock my tank with

    what about firefish???
  12. itchy


    welcome both of you
  13. itchy

    Im Devastated!

    Todd sorry to hear about your angel. I am having a bad day myself here. I have a clown that I love because she has the best personality and today she has a pretty bad case of ICH. I can't catch her and I am affraid that she will only get worse thru the night. I have had a few spots here and...
  14. itchy


    I know this isn't the right forum for this but at least everyone will see it here. First off I must vent for a moment. What is going on with the attitudes from some of the people on these boards lately. Is there something in the water? Is there to much testosterone or estrogen going around...
  15. itchy

    Just had a little ich scare...hope it was just a scare..

    Sandys, you can use Kents garlic extreme or you can use fresh garlic. If you use fresh garlic put some in a cup with tank water and let it sit for 20 mins or so then strain off the water and add the food for at least another 20 mins or if possible over night in the frig. This helps boost the...
  16. itchy

    Thursday night 6pak

    Nice Zoo Bill! I can't find zoos in this god forsaken town I live in.
  17. itchy

    Good group/school fish

    I was told that firefish like to school in odd numbers....I had three at one time but my damn lion had them for lunch before I had a chance to watch them....(yes I learned my leason) That was an LFS saying Yeah they will be fine in there with the lion as he is a dwarf. That is when I realized...
  18. itchy

    Wanted to share

    jkvjl, You are not foolin us you WERE gettin it because you got 2 kids to show for it, soooo it at least happen twice in your house...lmao He sure is a cutie....and the sister will most likely be ok in a few days..I have a 10 yr old and she was a bit jealous of her new sister at first but she...
  19. itchy

    WHat would you do if someone Maliciously Ruined Your Tank?

    ICFISh, you are in Lexington....that is where I live. I am so sorrrry to hear what happen, My tank, my time, my money....your Sorry no other way to put it. My husband knows how much time is spent on a tank as he B**chs all the time about it, and there is no amount of money you can...
  20. itchy

    Anemone dieing help!!

    That is not enough lighting for anemones...the one that is still alive what kind is it? I beleive that the florida condi do not require MH but still need strong lighting. Someone else will have to update you on that particular type. Most of them need MH to survive healthy and happy. BTW...