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  1. nucknfutts

    How did everyone get their nick names?

    Switch the first n & the f and you get what my friends think when I get into something that I realy love. Started about 7 years ago. It gets yelled out most of the time now when we play Paintball!!!!!!!:D
  2. nucknfutts

    Crabs in Coral??

    holy crap take the coral back! and dont clean it. your tank has to cycle for at least a month with lr or ls. do some research before you start bying fish and coral. Read the posts on the mesage boards you'll learn alot your tank isn't ready for anything yet.
  3. nucknfutts

    new tank, coral, agressive, invertibrates, opimions apreciated

    reef to me means lots of coral.
  4. nucknfutts

    feeder tank

    no, but I would like to know how.
  5. nucknfutts

    new tank, coral, agressive, invertibrates, opimions apreciated

    I have a 110 gallon reef tank and I am building a 400 gallon swim tank (fish only). I love my reef tank and could not live without it. I am building a swim tank cause I love alot of fish that are not reef safe, and that like to eat inverts. Almost all inverts are reef safe so if you want to have...
  6. nucknfutts

    If you had........

    The snails and so on are going to keep your tank clean and algee under control if you have a cycled tank then there is plenty of food for all, and as you add fish your clean up crew will be buisy. Your nonlr will turn into lr so no wories. But you don't want to have a tank that one day you...
  7. nucknfutts

    brown fuzzies

    bumble bee snails are realy small but if you have a problem now I would get on top of it. go to your lfs and get some turbo snails to mow your algee down once your on top of it then just take them back. but I would keep 1-2 in your tank all the time. btw I hated snails until I got tired of the...
  8. nucknfutts

    If you had........

    What kind of tank is it going to be? You want to get your matinence end taken care of. I would get 10 snails, 50-100 hermits, 10 emerald crabs, and some hardy fish like blue cromis. cause thats what I did 3 months ago to reestablish my 110. Its a good way to spend 80$. By the way get more lr you...
  9. nucknfutts

    brown fuzzies

    Get some snails! the brown is algee and you don't want it to get out of control it will turn into hair algee. Turbo snails will clean it up fast in your tank I would put in 4-8 snails. Snails will keep your glass clean as well. check all of your levels and maybe do a 25% water change. It almost...
  10. nucknfutts

    Chewed up & beat up!!!!!!

    what kind of filtering should I use for a qt? When its not in use is it a good idea to just have it cycle with my other tanks and then put it on its own filtering system when in use? or Keep it on its own cycle?
  11. nucknfutts

    Chewed up & beat up!!!!!!

    I read through the posts on quarantine but what do I need to set it up. I think that I am getting ich so I need to set one up anyway. I have a 55 gallon what else do I need?
  12. nucknfutts


    I have been reading some posts that have said to quarantine new fish before they go into there new home. In what, & how long. Anyone????
  13. nucknfutts

    Chewed up & beat up!!!!!!

    I went down to ***** this afternoon and some idiot put a Undulate trigger in with 4 Coral Beauties 3 yellow tangs a couple of butterflies and some flame angels. the trigger had picked on the angels & Beauies and one beauty was so bad that it took me a second to figure out what he was. He was in...
  14. nucknfutts

    Power Head

    What kind of tank setup so you have?
  15. nucknfutts

    just starting...need equipment advice

    When you start your tank your going to want to get either ls or lr its going to be cheeper to get crushed coral and add lr while you start to cycle your tank. It will work quite well to have an overflow to a bottom sump tank for any set up (fish only or a full blown reef) I have had an overflow...
  16. nucknfutts

    just starting...need equipment advice

    The closer you can replacate the marine enviroment, having the right bioload the longer you will have success with your new hobby. A reef tank setup is realy slick I would go with that set up. Rather than having everything hanging off the back. What ever you do you will learn as you go. Just...
  17. nucknfutts

    what should my clean up crew consist of?

    You can try some snails Cerith Snails like hair algae, or a Nerite Snail. Hermit Crabs (red or blue legs) are good to have. You could try like 5 emerald crabs if your algae is getting out of control.
  18. nucknfutts

    air or not to air

    Your tank should'nt need alot, just make sure that your ph levels stay where they need to be. Most of the time an air stone just adds a different effect. But it can mess with the balance of the tank levels. Does your water break anywhere in your system?
  19. nucknfutts

    Got my powerheads, now time to set them up...need help

    It's my understanding that powerheads make a current for your corals to get the nutrients from the water. I had a few people tell me to set the powerheads up and watch my corals to see that they get the right amount of current (the wave effect). I have the return line from my sump pointed at the...