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  1. saltwaterdude

    Which Protein Skimmer to buy

    Another question is how loud is it? My tank is pretty quiet now when the lights are off. With the lights on there is a hum from the fan. Whats kinds of sounds does it make? Humming? Running water sound?
  2. saltwaterdude

    Which Protein Skimmer to buy

    Thanks. Looks like Remora for me. So is it easy as they say. Takes 1 minute to setup? I've never had a skimmer before. The only thing is looks like no one is selling it for a discount. Everyone online is within a few dollars of each other.
  3. saltwaterdude

    Which Protein Skimmer to buy

    Ok, here is my setup: 29 gallon. Currently FOWLR. Maybe reef in the future. 135W PC lights, hand on Millennium 2000 filter. 2 Ocellaris (paired), 1 pygmy angel, and 1 gold head sleeper goby. A few snails and crabs. I need a protein skimmer. Which one to buy? I've seen the cheaper models such as...
  4. saltwaterdude

    all my fish died

    stop screaming
  5. saltwaterdude

    Spiny Urchin ate snail

    I think my spiny urchin ate my mexican astrea snail. I saw it with its spines inside eating it. Is this normal? Also, are their spines really dangerous to the human touch?
  6. saltwaterdude

    Ballasts Question

    I have a 30G tank and was looking into the "Lights of America" lights. Will these do for aesticitic apperance and some corals?
  7. saltwaterdude

    Ballasts Question

    I had a quesiton about ballasts. I was looking at the Ice Cap Ballasts and they are expensive. Wondering if the ballasts at HD will work as a replacement, like a 55-75 watt ballast. I think it was around $25. Will this work. Any more ideas on making a DIY lighting system cheaply?
  8. saltwaterdude

    Live Rock

    so can you add lr in an established tank I have the same problem, about 10 lbs of lr and hoping to get more for 30g tank
  9. saltwaterdude

    Question about power compacts?

    Whats the price difference
  10. saltwaterdude

    Question about power compacts?

    So power compacts are physically smaller?
  11. saltwaterdude

    Question about power compacts?

    Do they look just like normal hood lights except they are VHO lights? What is the difference between them and VHO lights, MH, and NO lights? And if I get them, can i just lay them on my glass top like I have my normal hood lamp now?
  12. saltwaterdude

    What to feed?

    how about chopped up seafood from the grocery store, life shrimp or scallops? Do these still have the necessary nutrients?
  13. saltwaterdude

    Inverts and Bioload

    Is it true that inverts such as urchins, snails, shrimp, and clams don't add to the bioload? If so, why not?
  14. saltwaterdude

    What to feed?

    I have one false perc, one small yellow tang, and one flame angel. I've been feeding them formula one frozen food. Should I vary their diet, and if so, what else should I feed them?
  15. saltwaterdude

    Posting animated gif

    Thank you
  16. saltwaterdude

    odd thing about the lfs

    When my tank was finished cycling i went to return my damsels at the lfs for credit. When I got there, the saleslady looked at it for 5 seconds, and said OK. She directly went to the tank holding the damsels and dumped the fish and the water in there Is that the proper thing to do, mixing up...
  17. saltwaterdude

    Posting animated gif

    I have an animated gif but it is too large, when I use photoshop to shrink it, it is not animated anymore. Anyone know how to make the image smaller but still be animated?
  18. saltwaterdude

    AquaClear Powerhead

    thanks also for the heads up just got my spiny urchin today, but my powerhead wires is not in the tank, only the motor is submersed
  19. saltwaterdude

    AquaClear Powerhead

    even the power outlet cord? so there is no electrical parts? so there is no chance of electrical shock if it falls in?