Search results

  1. bheron

    Too many fish to plan for?

    Hey Nix, I thnk thats a good list. Good move on the 5 chromis (odd number). What else to do you have in the tank? Any corals? Also, do you have the cleaner crew to support it? Here's what i had at one point in my 75g: Hippo Tang Yellow Tang Ocellaris Clown Royal Gramma Lawnmower Blenny Coral...
  2. bheron

    Cucumber help

    thats exactly what happened to me. i put it in one day and then never saw it again. i assumed i lost it. then, about 2 weeks later i saw it! it was out all the time. then, one day it had a big whole in it and i realized it was attacked. guess what i think it was?? My coral banded shrimp...
  3. bheron

    Cucumber help

    troyrb - its def true that they can be very toxic if they die. basically, if they are injured, stressed, attacked, they can self destruct and turn their insides out. this causes toxic waste to be released into your tank. what dburr is saying is that the more colorful ones are said to maybe be...
  4. bheron

    Brittle Star?

    I hear that brittles can be nasty - like eat fish and small ornamental crustaceans. and that serpent stars are more easy to keep and wont attack like the brittles. this has never been proven or documented, but pretty clear in all the research i did.
  5. bheron

    help, i'm dying

    nitrates at 20 - seems high? should be zero?
  6. bheron

    Ok, Am I an Idiot?

    I'm going back to that method for sure. Thanks
  7. bheron

    Ok, Am I an Idiot?

    Here's what I've done so far in my two QT attempts: Attempt #1 - mail order livestock. Will NEVER ever do this again since the one was in pretty bad shape when it arrived. Shipping overnight from LA to East Coast can't be good. 1 Solar Wrasse - in bad shape, died within a day. never recovered 1...
  8. bheron

    Ok, Am I an Idiot?

    Ok, I'm still trying to troubleshoot my new livestock acclimation process which befuddles me. I know this is long, but please read the below b/c I'd like to isolate one particular problem, explain my idiotic actions, share my experience and hopefully get everyone's thoughts on something I've...
  9. bheron

    Refugium Question

    Still -I wasnt aware of that. good stuff as always! Thanks
  10. bheron

    Refugium Question

    whoa - did you just say that macro will kill Xenia?? Wow. I have chaeto in my fuge and I neve thought it would hurt anybody :D
  11. bheron

    Chaeto For Sale - $12 Shipped!

    I have two left. My email and paypal ID is First two people to pay with Paypal will have it. See this thread... Check thread....
  12. bheron

    Chaeto for Sale - $12 Shipped

    Have shipped out 8, still have 4 left!!
  13. bheron

    Chaeto for Sale - $12 Shipped

    My fuge...
  14. bheron

    Chaeto for Sale - $12 Shipped

    1st pic...
  15. bheron

    Chaeto for Sale - $12 Shipped

    I have about 10 handfuls of this great macro from my fuge that I need to prune. $12 includes priority 2-3 day shipping anywhere in US. See pics below. You can email me at
  16. bheron

    Atlantic Sea Cucumber. Anyone had one? Advice?

    Hi, I had one. I'm pretty sure they're not the really poisonous ones. Mine was great but died about a month into it. My tank was fairly new - got him with my original cleaner crew. He was coming out more and more and seemed to be growing even. Then one day, it looked like he had a hole in...
  17. bheron

    Copper in LR?

    I agree. I had the same problem. Heard it will eventually leach back into your system. It'll even kill snails!
  18. bheron

    Coral of the Week: Frogspawn

    thanks kip. yea, i think someone in this very thread mentioned they kept the forgspawn well under VO. i guess the same point you and other made in reefnuts MH vs PC thread. i know my lightings low. only want a FOWLR for the time being while I keep learning the the budget where it is. but...
  19. bheron

    SPS- PC vs MH

    reefnut - i think you're saying one coral is under PC and another under MH?
  20. bheron

    Coral of the Week: Frogspawn

    thanks, too, for the super bump kip. i have yet to buy my first coral but this was on my wish list. just read your COTW on Zoos. are these considered beginners in the same arena as the zoos? i also see people say they thrived under NO. I have 110W of PC and 70W of NO.