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  1. debbers

    need help with a stock list.

    I also have a 29 gallon tank. Right now I have very common (but enjoyable) pair of mated perc clowns and a royal gramma. One of my first fish that I absolutely LOVED and isn't all that common is a midas blenny. He was a great fish; I actually cried when he died. What about a dwarf angel or...
  2. debbers

    Clown Prepping for Eggs?

    Hi, I've not been around here for a LONG time, but had a question on my odd clown behavior recently. My tank has been up for over 4 years now, and I've had a pair of false percs that I got as tiny juveniles. They sorted things out and have been a mated pair for a couple years now. Recently I've...
  3. debbers


    I have noticed a growing number of worms cropping up in my tank. I'm wondering if they're ok or if they're a pest that I need to get rid of. They are yellow in color and thin with lots of tentacles that wave around or squiggle on the surface of the LR and LS. These worms seem to bury...
  4. debbers

    Need skimmer opinions-everybody please!

    I second NM Reef. I have a 29 gal. with the BakPak 2. Great product. I definitely see a difference now in water quality (I went skimmer-less for quite a while). ~D~
  5. debbers

    Too Many Critters?

    Thanks for the alien update... I had no idea! I knew Bang and Ophiura were mods now. Congrats to the other new mods (ahem, THOMAS!). And I saw the photography forum. Is that Rye's baby? The nano forum is new too. Very cool additions. ~D~
  6. debbers

    Too Many Critters?

    Howdy, neighbor! I just got married last month and planning the blessed event was more than a full-time job (on top of my job!!). We also took some time for a nice honeymoon. Things are pretty much back to normal now, but I'm scrambling trying to catch up on work-work. Anyway, here I be! Glad...
  7. debbers

    Some recent pics, some side shots

    Looks nice, Plum. I didn't see any of your sponges. What happened to them?
  8. debbers

    Free Package to the 100th post

    Ok, here's #2 for me. Good luck everyone, I'm going to bed.
  9. debbers

    Too Many Critters?

    Hi Everyone, I've been away for a while, but I'm still alive and kickin'. I've noticed that in the past month or so there are tons of new baby snails (astreas, I think). Then a couple weeks ago I started noticing tons of little wormy-things all over the glass. They've started getting bigger...
  10. debbers

    Free Package to the 100th post

    I've been away for a while, but here I am now! And here's my post #1. ~D~
  11. debbers

    Not sure what fish to get.

    Out of the "dwarf" angels, the cherub is a good choice. I was strongly considering one, but didn't end up getting one. From all the research I did, and watching them, they seem to be a great little fish. While no angel is considered to be totally reef safe, the cherub seems to be less likely...
  12. debbers

    Smallest size for a reef

    If you'd like some information *specifically* on nano-reefs, there is some specialized info. out there... if you're interested, let me know and I'll e-mail you the link. BTW, one of my LFS's here has an eclipse 6 with some LS, LR, a pair of clowns, an urchin, a CBS, and some 'shrooms. Neat...
  13. debbers

    Some Pics For ya

    I was thinking that the ricordia was really gorgeous! Nice zoo's too, but that ricordia has awesome coloration! ~D~
  14. debbers


    Mostly good, as long as they're not too big. They're good at eating up dead matter from what I've heard. Just don't reach in to pet it! :eek:
  15. debbers


    Yup, it's a bristleworm.
  16. debbers

    OT - Happy Birthday Broncofish!!

    Happy Birthday, neighbor!! ~D~ :D
  17. debbers

    PC Q... Bang Guy??

    By the way, on the JBJ site it said that their actinic bulbs peak at 420 nm. Just thought you'd like to know. Thanks, everyone, for your help! ~D~
  18. debbers

    how many inverts

    I'd go for more hermits than what timsedwards suggested. I've got that many in my 29 gal! I'd definitely add the cleaner shrimp and an emerald crab (or two). 20 turbos is a good start. You can also add in stages if you get your critters locally. Buy a few, then add more as needed. I've seen...
  19. debbers

    PC Q... Bang Guy??

    Hmmm... So then I guess the next question would be: how much would the corals benefit from trading out the bulb for a 65 watt 03?
  20. debbers

    PC Q... Bang Guy??

    ... And no one has addressed whether it makes a difference in a pc bulb or only in a vho bulb?