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  1. regener8

    bye bye post

    Guess that post was worse than the FYI/Beth post ? rule #6809793 do not take a pic of the forum.
  2. regener8

    Beth Fyi

    LOL.....yes I don't think i would care for their policy's.
  3. regener8

    Great idea. lol

    Yeah i asked him about that....he is gutting the inside so you won't actually be able to play.. Those Coffee table tanks look pretty cool...don't know about where you put the pumbs and what not....interesting though. :D
  4. regener8

    Great idea. lol

    So I just returned from my house. Was getting an estimate from carpentar for some ceiling work and outside work...anyhow he saw my fistank and told me that he was just given a Stand up Piano which he was in middle of restoring and adding a fish tank in the top part section with plants on...
  5. regener8

    How did you get into this Hobby ?

    Wanted to know how most of you caught the bug :D I have always wanted a fish tank and saw a store that had one and been hooked ever since.
  6. regener8

    Drilled Tank - questions

    More newbie questions....hehe sorry :D Ok been doing some research about Overflow's, but also been reading on Drilled Tanks. Is there that much of a difference ? How hard is it to drill your tank and how wide of a hole do you make ? Also I guess since alot of water will be draining quicker that...
  7. regener8

    240 gallon tank

    Pat, Is the Tank sold yet ? Thanks Tam
  8. regener8

    125 gallon arcrilic

    I can't see your profile to send you an if you could email me any pics at Thanks
  9. regener8

    200,000 gallon Tank webcam

    Nice Nice :D
  10. regener8

    Anybody WORKING today!?

    Yep Im at work.... Database administrator at a hospital...Im working hard on looking up Aquariums. waiting to get out of here so I can do that last minute christmas shopping. :(
  11. regener8

    Dazed and Confused

    ok..I have my tank setup and have filter running...was going to start the cycle process last week but have changed my mind. I want to read up on everything (as much as possible) before I do something that I may regret or want to change. Example I have crushed corals but have decided I want Sand...
  12. regener8

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Me spinning. My Dog cooling off in the summer !!
  13. regener8

    Sand or no Sand

    Thanks for the info Incognito. I am thinking I am going to switch to Sand now...since I like the look of sand and plus it will be good for filtration. Now...will I have to start from scratch. Empty out water, remove crushed corals. Then add live sand, add salt...etc. Or can I just remove (with...
  14. regener8

    Sand or no Sand

    Newbie question again. Is there any major difference to having Sand in your aqaurium ? I have 55gl which I have crushed there a major difference ? Can I have both. ? Will be getting a fresh shrimp to put in today to start the cycling process. !! Do I need to get a testing kit to test...
  15. regener8

    newbie question on cycling

    Hello...thanks for the reply. Again this is all new to me...I thought in order to start the Cycle process you HAVE to put a fish in there. I was told this is how the cycle process begins. So a piece of shrimp from the store. (dead, raw) would start the process then ? Great idea about testing the...
  16. regener8

    newbie question on cycling

    Need your advice.. I have a 55gl tank which i got given to me. Purchased filter,200w heater set at 76 degrees, maxi-jet, light hood. Filled it up Saturday with crushed coral, water and salt. I finally reached correct Salenity level yesterday. Everything has been running since Saturday (filter...