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  1. damselgal

    SUrvey!! Need help!

    Thanx ssoo much i owe you all!! Sry about it not bein about saltwater fish lol
  2. damselgal

    SUrvey!! Need help!

  3. damselgal

    SUrvey!! Need help!

    ok this has nothing to do with fish or saltwater or ne thing like that but i really need help cuz i have to survey 50 people bye monday and i just got this yesterday. So if u can help i'd really appreciate it!! by the way i have 2 hermits an angel 3 shrimp 4 damsels and 2 turbo snails (a pretty...
  4. damselgal

    OK, the damsels went in the established tank

    Damsels are very territorial. The only fish they usually won't bother are the fish that are larger than them. They also leave starfish,shrimp, and crabs alone. Any fish that you get that is smaller than them, they will more than likely kill. This is unless the smaller fish was in the tank...
  5. damselgal

    hermit help

    its my sister's aquarium. So i dont really know that much about everything but i'll ask her. The hermit and horseshoe were her christmas present and she didnt even get to see the horseshoe because when she got home and we showed her she asked what the hermit crab was eating and thats when we...
  6. damselgal

    hermit help

    the horseshoe crab was definately alive. w e had just gotten him from the LFS that day. The hermit crab isnt all that big. Itsonly a little bigger than a black and white damsel. It was about half the size of the baby horseshoe crab. We introduced both to the tank at the same time too if...
  7. damselgal

    hermit help

    is it normal for a hermit crab to eat my horseshoe crab? and are my peppermint shrimp destined for the same fate? Also what are you supposed to normally feed a hermit crab?
  8. damselgal


    when i had a lot of greenish algea in my tank, i got 2 turbo snails and they cleaned the sides of the tank and floor right off. They are great to have and fun to watch when they are eating on the glass where u can see them! They are cheap too and live for a good amount of time! GOOD LUCK!
  9. damselgal

    Which Fish? Please help!

    whatever u get DO NOT get a black and white damsel unless you plan to get only large fish and crabs and shrimp afterwards because they are very territorial. They will kill any fish smaller than them. I've learned from experience. now all i can get is damsels because my mother wont let me sell...
  10. damselgal

    climbing starfish!!

    i have a huge problem! My starfish keeps trying to climb out of the tank. It for some reason likes to sit on the edge i have no clue why either. Please help! it's a chocolate chip starfish
  11. damselgal

    starfish and peppermint shrimp

    ok i just found out that what kind of starfish i have. It is a chocalate chip star. Supposedly it eats dried krill. Does this mean it'll also try to eat the live peppermint shrimp in the tank?? I'm new with the whole starfish thing
  12. damselgal

    starfish HELP!!

    ok here's the problem... I just got a starfish for my aquarium and I have no clue what it eats or anything. The aquarium is my sister's and she got it from school. But since we are on break she can't just ask her teacher what it eats. We dont even know what kind of starfish it is! It is light...