Search results

  1. saltlover

    Anyone have any experience with Chocolate Chip Star Fish

    chocolate chip starfish are very fun to watch, however, I sold my the the LFS due to the fact that he ate my brain coral and many snails. If you want a reef tank for the sake of your corals DO NOT have a chocolate chip starfish. There are many other starfish that are reef safe. good luck:D
  2. saltlover

    Free Coralline Chips

    if you have any more coralline chips, I would like some. Please let me know. Thanks, :)
  3. saltlover

    What is your favorite tang?

    I have a sailfin, just love him! One day when I get a BIGGER tank, I would like to get a chevron tang. :)
  4. saltlover

    dwarf seahorse

    Oceanrider has pixie seahorses that are only about 1 inch. If you want pixies then a smaller tank would be better so you don't loose them in the tank. Good luck, I will be getting my OR seahorses in a few weeks, can't wait!:D
  5. saltlover

    too many tangs to shake a stick at

    I vote for the sailfin tang! I have one in my 80 gallon tank and he is great. Very personable. If I had a bigger tank I would get a unicorn tang they are very cool.
  6. saltlover

    too many tangs to shake a stick at

    I vote for the sailfin tang! I have one in my 80 gallon tank and he is great. Very personable. If I had a bigger tank I would get a unicorn tang they are very cool.
  7. saltlover

    female clown dead..what are my options

    Sorry for your loss. You could also get a larger clown. There should definately be a size difference, if they are too close to the same size they will tear each other up. I had this happen with the maroon clowns, and when I traded one of them to a much smaller size, there was no problem.
  8. saltlover

    What type Anemone

    I have a green bta and my pair of maroon clowns took to it right away and rarely venture far from it. I also have a smaller brown bta and they do also go into that one. BTA's usually work the best for the maroons. Good luck finding a new home for the clowns.:D
  9. saltlover

    striped hermit crab

    If there are not enough shells for the hermit to change into, it will take the turbo's shell, or it may take the turbo's shell because he likes it! I have three hermits and six turbo snails in my 80 gallon. I have several shells of different sizes, for the hermits. So far the turbo's are safe...