Search results

  1. chris200058

    Choral Bandit Babies

    I have a clear sack about the size of 2 quarters with what looks like a shrimp inside. I have 2 Choral Bandits in my tank with a bunch of pepermint shroimp but it looks more like the CB. Do I need to remove it from the regular tank? Or how do I get it to hatch and if it does what do I feed it...
  2. chris200058

    Need help with Starfish ID

    That sounds sorta like a blue linkia it is blue and it doesn't clean glass it just plays in the substrate and climbs the live rock. Although I haven't heard of any blue Linkia stars in florida they usually come from FIJI
  3. chris200058

    scarlet hermit shed its body

    My scarlet hermit has a 4 inch shell. Is everything alright with this I was freaked out this morning when I turned the light on and I found a carcus of my hermit crab 1/2 buried and 1/2 his body tore apart. He hasn't eaten for about 3 days and all of a sudden their is this carcus but the crab...
  4. chris200058

    Is this diagram of my setup correct?

    If you have the money I would highly reccomend buying the LR from online most of the companies will give you free shipping and the cost is around $5.00 cheaper per pound. Most LFS offer their rock at around $10.00 per lb when you can get 50 lbs from for only $200.00 thats only...
  5. chris200058

    Stocking a FOWLR 125 gal nonaggressive community

    I have had my tank up and running for about 5 months now. I am wondering what I can add to it that will go with what I have currently. I want a nonagressive community tank FOWLR. I currently have 15 mollies 3 fry mollies and 1 red legged hermit crab and a small hermit, and 2 CB shrimp I plan...
  6. chris200058

    First Saltwater Aquarium here

    I totally agree with the posts of some individuals above but not all. The post on getting a water purifying system is not the best way to go if you have such a small tank. Besides going to a LFS will be alot cheaper in the long run. Don't take all the advise from everyone on this board to heart...
  7. chris200058

    coral banded shrimp 2 or more?

    They both are approximately the same size one is a tiny bit larger Does anyone know if they are male/female then which one is the Female is it usually the larger is the female or viseversa? Do choral bandits eat anything besides algae? What else should I add to the tank for food for them? I have...
  8. chris200058

    water changes and evaporation

    I have a 125 gallon tank with a 38 gallon overflow tank. It seems like about 5 gallons evaporate per week. Do I still need to do a water change when all this water keeps evaporating? It seems odd to do a 10% water change every other week when I am adding that much water anyway? Can someone...
  9. chris200058

    coral banded shrimp 2 or more?

    ya but is their a way of telling a male vs female or do they look Identical? I bought 2 as I said before and put each one on opposite ends of the tank now they are continuosly staying together hiding behind the live rock their aren't fighting or clawing at each other so I don't know if they...
  10. chris200058

    coral banded shrimp 2 or more?

    Does any one know how to tell if 2 choral banded shrimp become mated. I just went to the SWFS and they had 2 shrimp in 2 different tanks the guy told me that their would be no problem putting 2 in my 125 FWLR tank even if they are 2 males but he didn't know how to tell the --- of them Does any...
  11. chris200058

    Community FOWLR stocking ????

    I would like some suggestions for a begginer. I have a 125 gallon tank with 50 lbs livw rock. I would like a big variety in my community tank I would like some fish that get a little big but not too big and some that stay around 2-6 inches. My gf would like some angels and I would like a lion...
  12. chris200058

    Can I?

    best reccomendation is to type "saltwater fish" in the address bar it pulls up a bunch of websites if their is something you are looking for specific than address that in here or there.
  13. chris200058

    What order of water, LS, LR

    I just went through this process about 2 months ago reading reading and more reading with all the books contradicting themselves. I agree with the previous posts although you do have the choice you can either mix the salt in the tank or in a trash can. I did it in the tank the benifit of doing...
  14. chris200058

    Help with a 125 Gallon FOWLR

    If possible I would like to see some of your FOWLR setups. I have a 125 gallon tank in the beggining stages still adding LR and getting all levels just right I just want to see how people have their LR setup in their tank so that I can sort of immitate it Thanks
  15. chris200058

    SWF Liverock - Ordered...Now what?

    if your quitting totally I will buy your equip what do ya have and how much do you want for it? Email me at
  16. chris200058

    Mollie baby's ?

    What is concidered a reef tank. I have Live rock in my tank (50 lb)already?With plans of adding about 75-100 lbs more.
  17. chris200058

    Mollie baby's ?

    This was posted on another web site can anyone else advise as this is correct? If so what kind of fish can I put in with the mollies that have fry as I don't want to kill them all off right away I have a swfo tank? I am a begginer and am trying to add fish and other stuff to my tank. I have had...
  18. chris200058

    How do live bearers get their eggs fertilized?

    My gf wants to know if mollies are livebearers how do the eggs get fertilized? I have never seen mating between fish except for with eggs that are dropped out of the mother. Can any one explain this to her cause I don't know either?
  19. chris200058

    Mollies had babies NOW WHAT?

    My GF said she wants to keep the fry So Should I take it out or not? Besides that I think we are going to keep the Mollies in the salt tank with whatever I can put in their with them?
  20. chris200058

    Mollies had babies NOW WHAT?

    What do I do I have a 125 gallon tank. about 15 mollies 4 different kinds don't know which one had babies but put them In my saltwater tank and one had babies last night. Should I seperate the fish at all. Do all fryes start out black or is that the mother I have 5 black mollies, 3 white nollies...