Search results

  1. ty1on73

    WHat type of worms do I have?

    Tank background: 30 gal Hospital tank, home of several 4 striped damsels. I havent checked tank levels in awhile do in part to the fact that i have about 25 star fish growing in it and i dont want to change a thing..i keep the salinity the same but i do not clean it at all. and its been like...
  2. ty1on73

    coraline algea

    thanks for the info.. the coraline algea that faded was at a higher position in the tank than the rest...falls inline with the majority's opinions.... everything else seems to be happy with the 24 hr. light... I have a brown tang that seems a little more spastic than before but only when I...
  3. ty1on73

    coraline algea

    Originally posted by ty1on73 I have increased my light output from 2 to 4.7 and after a week it seems my coraline algea is dying (fading). Is this normal...all levels are perfect nothing has change in the tank new additions 55 gal w/ 260 watts.... meaning 2 watts per gallon...
  4. ty1on73

    coraline algea

    I have increased my light output from 2 to 4.7 and after a week it seems my coraline algea is dying (fading). Is this normal...all levels are perfect nothing has change in the tank new additions 55 gal w/ 260 watts....
  5. ty1on73

    need help

    guess I shouldn't promot another site on here but has good info on how to build a the way nice gift! if you ever want to get rid of it let me know!!
  6. ty1on73

    Reproducing Bubbletips.....?

    I have been host to two bubbletips that I purchased from *****...(only because they would have died if not purchased soon)...anyway I have had the green bubble tip for about 2-3 months and a purple tip for about a month. the both co-exsist in a 55 gal tank and have established different ends of...
  7. ty1on73

    regal or yellow tang

    I have successful kept a yellow tang and a hippo tang in a 55 gal tank. the two where purchased together when small (about the size of a quarter) and spent their first 4 weeks at my home in a 20 gal quarentine tank. They grew to be about 3-4 in and then developed ich when some LFS water got into...
  8. ty1on73

    Not your standard weight question...

    I have done a search on the board w/ no luck. I am concerned with the weight in my tank. All I have found concerning weight dealt with how much the floor could hold. I want to know how much a 55 gal can hold. I once had one spring a leak (fresh water w/ 75lbs of crushed marble and about 60lbs of...
  9. ty1on73

    Southdown Sand users

    Thanks for the info. Everything is in and the H2O is starting to clear again. It is funny to see my red leg hermit run across the tank with a little cloud of dust behind him. He is my 4 y.o. daughter's new favorite.
  10. ty1on73

    Southdown Sand users

    I just moved my fish to quarantine because of ich. I just added about 95lbs of Southdown Sand to my tank after removing all the crushed coral. The tank settled overnight however the surface of the sand, when disturbed, recreates cloudy water. I am ready to put my live rock and hermits back in...
  11. ty1on73

    Tank question

    I tried vinegar with no luck......I scraped alot off w/ a razor blade as well but this stuff is not natural....
  12. ty1on73

    Tank question

    I was given a standard 45 gal. tank (very used and scratched) that i am going to turn into a QT tank. The tank has alot of hardwater stains around the top w/ what appears to be calcium build up near the top. Question: Does anyone have a suggestion as to remove this buildup without harming any...
  13. ty1on73

    another pich

    Does tempature mater, meaning will a higher or cooler tempature help to kill the ich?
  14. ty1on73

    another pich

    To answer Terry B ..Yes there are some fine air bubbles in my tank, some from a protein skimmer and some that somehow come from a power head that is totally submerged in the tank. I haven¡¯t been able to figure out why. The fish are swimming around fine their appetites are good. The regal tang...
  15. ty1on73

    another pich

    The question associate with this Pich : Is this Ich?
  16. ty1on73

    another pich

    different view
  17. ty1on73

    Possible sichness...

    My fish have the sichness...Pros is this ich? Small white dots all over the fish to include all regal tang has them as well...Bellow are the best pics I could get....
  18. ty1on73

    Regal Tang problems

    I'm not sure what he fed them, I am rotating flack food in the morning and A mixed marine frozen food which contains krill, brine and "other" seafood. they seem to like it but the little guys look awful. I had to drop them in my 55 gal because the numbers in my QT fluctulated too much... Can I...
  19. ty1on73

    Regal Tang problems

    I'm not sure how he treated them, when I went to pick them up the tank they were in was covered in algae. They have perked up a bit, they no longer seem so stressed and are eating. Is bacterial fin rot contagious?
  20. ty1on73

    Regal Tang problems

    A friend who is moving gave me two regal tangs and a yellow tailed blue damsel. The regals are in pityful shape, their color is faded their fins are gone and their tails are ripped to almost nothing. I out them in a holding tank to day, they are pretty stressed does anyone knoe what could...