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  1. crazy8

    UV filter?

    Anyone use one of these? My tank water is getting very green (probably cause I don't use RO/DI water but ignoring that). I was wondering if these things really work well and clear up green water?
  2. crazy8

    Water problem

    well, on water changes of course I am using a salt that does that. As far as refills go, I use Kent's to do that. Problem is just with the looks. I actually think the two dead fish may have starved as stated above. The firefish that died always hid at the bottom of the tank and as sad as...
  3. crazy8

    Water problem

    Yes, it is green and I figured it was related to my algae bloom. Now how bad are these phosphates for my fish. I don't test for them now, but they must be exploding. I have lost 2 fish the last couple of days. My other 3 fish are not exactly as active as before either. I have cut WAY back...
  4. crazy8

    Water problem

    As stated, nitrates are at 0. Water is tap and I understand that is a problem, but it has been fine up till now. Lighting is 4 65W bulbs....2 10k 2 at. Running 10 hrs/day cut down to 6 now to help with algae.
  5. crazy8

    Water problem

    My water is not clear at all. Tank has been set up since May/June and all of a sudden I have gotten real problems. My tank has been creating a ton of algae lately and now teh water is so cloudy you can hardly see to the other side. I just did a small water change and it didn't help much at...
  6. crazy8

    I think I have a mantis!!

    I agree....doesn't look like anything I have seen. Not red enough to be peacock. Not dull enough to be regular mantis. And then again maybe I have water problems, although all of my fish seem to be doing fine.
  7. crazy8

    I think I have a mantis!!

    oops....guess the picture would help
  8. crazy8

    I think I have a mantis!!

    Okay...lets make it easy.....tell me what this is? I have only ordered scarlet how did HE get into this shell? I have no idea what this is, just has the colorings of a peacock but who knows. I have not heard clicking at all and have no other suspects at the time.
  9. crazy8

    I think I have a mantis!!

    I need to know anything you guys can tell me about what these guys are capable of. First, do they use crab shells occassionally? Also, the one I have looks small, but can it kill cleaner shrimp/CBS/as well as snails and crabs? Any info would be great. The object I found appears to have...
  10. crazy8

    Need some coralline algae scrapings to help seed my base rock... can you help?

    saltwaterdave, what part of VA are you in. I am in central VA - Lynchburg. Just curious.
  11. crazy8

    Inwall setup question

    Just telling you what my experience is. I have a 55 gal all-glass and you can't see anything through the sides. I have equipment on both sides of my tank with tons of wiring as everything is setup using timers etc and I have tried and tried to get that "right angle" to see through the glass...
  12. crazy8

    Inwall setup question

    I have a setup that is see through on both sides. New setup and still need to build a top, but trust me. .... you don't need to worry about the sides. First there is the reflective tendency. Second, there is no light there to be able to see in the enclosed area.....third, Kip is right in...
  13. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    I was afraid of handling the fish with my hands. I do that for snails and such and look what has happened :D But I am planning on getting a copper test at lunch to see if that could be the problems or if I just have some other unknown from a relatively new tank and not using RO/DI Thanks...
  14. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails to the filter. Can I get those for a canister. I will look, but if you know that would be helpful. Now as to the tank questions. 1) No the tank was not used. 2) Yes, I have added some of the water from LFS when adding fish. someone please explain how you add fish without adding...
  15. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    If I have a copper problem, (which I have yet to test for) what is the solution? Getting rid of all my rock/sand and starting over? I ask because that is the only thing I have heard of doing on these boards.
  16. crazy8

    percs lying on their side

    Now, I will say that mine NEVER lays on it's side when the lights on the tank are on. My lights are set to go off around 8:30 or so (timer) and any time after that my perc is sideways on the top of the tank. But during the day he is always swimming upright and lower in the water (still up high...
  17. crazy8

    I wanna cry

    Does that mean you guys are going to "respectfully" <cough, cough> disagree somewhere else? Can't we all just understand and let the newer people on this board realize as bluntly as possible, that while Bob has his methods, they are not proven, they are experimental, and they are a minority so...
  18. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    I knew I would have to get a skimmer before long. FO I was fine with all the little fish I think, but in the long run I had planned on getting one of those. I really didn't think I would be trying to go reef so fast, but this hobby is very addictive. As for the RO/DI, I will not argue that...
  19. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    Reef, I am sure you will love to hear that I don't have a protein skimmer hooked up yet either. That was actually going to be my next purchase. Maybe I will have to tell my girlfriend we can't spend that $1000 bucks on the beach next week, I have fish concerns to take care of. :D Then I will...
  20. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    Oh...and I forgot. About the chance of a mantis -- I don't hear any clicking sounds. Plus when I first set up the tank I didn't put anything in for over 1 month. I assume if one had hitchhiked, he would have starved or I would have seen him pop out. You know how it is when you just sit and...