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  1. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    Okay, this is where I get reamed. My water source is the good ole water of mother nature delivered to me via my local water authority. And yes, my SG is down to 1.022. I will try doing a water change and increase my SG slowly that way. I guess I am going to be told that without a RO/DI I will...
  2. crazy8

    Having problems with inverts - mostly snails

    I am having problems keeping my inverts. I have 5 fish in my tank and all are doing well. But inverts are a whole different story. I bought turbo/astrea snails, white cerith snails, scarlet hermits. Most of these now litter the bottom of my tank with shells. My specs are 55 gal tank, 80...
  3. crazy8

    percs lying on their side

    I have had mine for well over 1 month and I think he likes to lie on his side to sleep. Once the lights go on, he is fine so I would think that is just his resting mood. All of my other fish hide in the rocks at night to sleep while this guy lies at the top of the water next to my canister...
  4. crazy8

    OT: Need Computer help badly

    Well, I don't know how familiar you are with pop-op ads, but you will find that depending on the sites you look at, some of these ads can get pretty good at running in the background and not allowing you to get out of them. If you continually close them and they keep popping up, sooner or later...
  5. crazy8

    How long to cycle?

    If you find out that your tank has trites and trates, I would go ahead and remove the shrimp since you would have already cycled. If not, then I would leave it in there and make sure you see some ammonia pop up somewhere. I added rock in 2 separate stages while cycling like you and my second...
  6. crazy8

    How long to cycle?

    My guess is if the shrimp has been in there a couple of days, you have probably got a good amount of bacteria and the amm, and trites could both be 0. You would just have an abundance of nitrates that most people would recommend a water change to get rid of. I would say report those numbers...
  7. crazy8

    friday report

    Sinners..... you obviously do not follow Bob closely. :D Water changes are not in his vocabulary (although, to be honest I have yet to do one either). But part of his "experiment" is to see if macro algae can reduce nitrates so that water changes are not a necessity.
  8. crazy8

    These are my sand choices? Also ? on layering.

    You don't have to have "live sand" at all to set up your tank. If anything, a cupful from a friend or the store would seed your tank. And if you are going to use LR, then that too would seed your sand. Will just take longer. My tank took longer to cycle than most probably because I didn't...
  9. crazy8

    These are my sand choices? Also ? on layering.

    I think quikcrete is very dark compared to most playsands. I didn't like it. I actually couldn't find southdown either so I ended up going to a local nursery around town and found some playsand in 50lb bags that looked nice. Only problem with mine is that it is silica based and many people...
  10. crazy8

    These are my sand choices? Also ? on layering.

    I think if you look, you shouldn't touch anything other than the playsand (at least from the hardware store). Because it is filtered and the grain size is small. I think if you get into the other grades you will find out that you have to rinse these and it will be more work than you want. I...
  11. crazy8

    thurs report

    Nice pun and I hope you clear up your problem fast. From all the posts of yours I have read it really sounds like your tank cycled again. Did you have a death or was it an addition. I know you mentioned adding macro before this happened, you may want to check your source for that. Anyway, I...
  12. crazy8

    thurs report

    Tip Thanks. maybe it is good i don't know how to spell polphys. Bob, I don't know if you are trying to be funny, but you are cracking me up. His name is Kip.....not Tip. Spelling definitely isn't your strong point :D
  13. crazy8

    nitrite levels wont come down

    I personally recommend that you go through and just read a lot of the posts on this site. That way you get the opinion of many. That being said, your cycle has not finished so don't do a water change. Patience is the key here. I know it took my tank over 4 weeks to cycle completely. Don't...
  14. crazy8

    Tap Water

    lol :D You know what I mean. Leaves break off, fish feed off of them and break them off etc. Any pieces not part of the whole. time I will specify. :cool:
  15. crazy8

    thurs report

    Bob, I have a question..... On my test kit, 160 Nitrates is top of the charts. Is it on yours too? If so, you could actually be at 500 ppm or so right? I am just saying this because it sounds like you are in a full cycle right now and this is the last stage. Problem being my last stage...
  16. crazy8

    Tap Water

    I am all for Bob trying out his ideas and posting them here, but I agree with you Kip in that I hate seeing someone ask about cycling and reading over and over again about Mollies and Macro Algae in display. I personally love the idea of macro in the display, but defer to the more experienced...
  17. crazy8


    Bumping this since I fell off the first page :D
  18. crazy8

    Removing dead snails

    Correct me if I am wrong Bang Guy, but don't the Astrea fall off the side and are unable to flip themselves back over. I just remember reading Kip's snail message and that stuck in my head. I have had a couple die as well. I don't know how long it takes them being upside down starving before...
  19. crazy8


    Under the orange sponge on this site it says it's diet is supplements. What exactly does this mean for how I take care of it. Do I need to buy supplements to add, or will it just naturally pull supplements out of the water from water changes and such?
  20. crazy8

    No luck finding southdown. ... So i guess im screwed.

    Just so you know (and take this with a grain of salt -- or sand) I and others have used a silica based playsand that is lighter colored than what you are looking at. I looked around at HD's and Lowe's in the cities surrounding me and came up with nothing good. All they had was that dark looking...