Search results

  1. crazy8

    20 ppm nitrAtes

    So, on a 55 gal without a fuge, what is the recommended water change intervals. When my lights come in, I expect a lot of evaporation that I am using tap water (yeah, I know) to replace it with. I just use a chlorine remover and still leave it out overnight in a 2 gal jug when I do top-offs...
  2. crazy8

    20 ppm nitrAtes

    Reef, I have to say that in my short time on this message board, that is the first time I have ever read anything that makes me actually want to do a water change. All this about doing a water change to lower Nitrates didn't make sense since my tank and hopefully many others have nitrates near...
  3. crazy8

    Impressed with

    Let me start by saying, I don't really love to advertise for other people.... That being said, I got my first order of fish in from and it has worked out perfect. The fish looked great and everything was packed well. Just to give you an idea, I got 20 snails (10 cerith and 10...
  4. crazy8

    Kip4130 question

    Thanks Lobster.... It's funny cause when I started reading your reply I thought....PC was the way to go. You had a lot of thing in your tank that I would consider and they handled it fine. Then you mentioned how you wanted more lights and made the correct point of MH's could be moved to a...
  5. crazy8

    Kip4130 question

    Oh yes I am :D I am interested in all opinions. I mean, if I thought I could handle the heat issue, I would buy 250W MH setup. I think of buying 175 MH with 110 VO for about $600 and figure I should have everything possible covered if I did that, but even then, I am not sure. Then I see...
  6. crazy8

    Help w/ new livestock

    Dave, I won't even try to tackle all of that (mostly since I don't know all the answers) but I can tell you that if you put puffer fish in your tank -- even the most gentle such as valentini -- they are not reef safe and you will lose your entire cleaner crew sooner or later. Generally these...
  7. crazy8

    Kip4130 question

    You're absolutely right ReefNut.....I didn't want to hear that! I had read it before as well, but I am thinking that if the anenome is in the top 1/2 of the tank (on rock) it should receive enough lighting. Am I wrong on this. My water conditions are perfect although I don't plan on adding one...
  8. crazy8

    Kip4130 question

    Thanks DoxBoi. Going to run about $280 with shipping, but that is a lot cheaper than the $600+ for MH's
  9. crazy8

    Kip4130 question

    Okay....I got sidetracked and never ordered my lights. I was wondering if you think the SeaLife power compacts 4x65 (2 10k & 2 Actinic) light fixture would be good enough for a standard 55 gal. I am not looking to have the toughest clams or anything. My tank is less than 2 feet deep. I want...
  10. crazy8

    water test help

    And where in VA are you dave? I am central VA (Lynchburg)
  11. crazy8

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    What test kits are you guys using for PH. My test kit (can't recall name right now) shows up really light for PH and I don't like the color shades from 7.8 to 8.4. Really hard to tell where I am at in that range. What do you guys recommend for a color blind (just kidding) fool who has trouble...
  12. crazy8

    Wet/Dry bio-balls question...

    I understand water changes when you have serious problems, but the more stable a system the better from what I can see. And stability would mean 0 water changes if possible. That along with being a naturally lazy person :D is why I wouldn't want to do water changes if I could help it. But...
  13. crazy8

    tropical play sand?

    One thing I would worry about buying it that way is contamination. At lease when you are buying it in bags, you can usually read the label and see where it has been sterilized and free of any contamination. You don't know what else that builder had in his loader before you got your sand from...
  14. crazy8

    Wet/Dry bio-balls question...

    Bio-balls or not -- is there anyone out there that does not do water changes at all? After my 6 week cycling period (with 90 lbs of LR and 100 lbs of reg sand in a 55 gal) I didn't do a water change. I have added 3 fish in the following 3 weeks and my trates still are at 0. Maybe my bio-load...
  15. crazy8

    tropical play sand?

    I don't know why the moderators deleted that link to the yardright site. They don't sell direct anyway. But there is a site on the internet that I have found that does sell direct. I haven't bought from them, but I am sure if anyone does a search for "pure arogonite" sand for fish tanks they...
  16. crazy8

    tropical play sand?

    You're welcome. And if it is yardright/southdown, you are actually luckier than most. Even though many Home Depot's must carry it, I was unable to find it here in Central VA, or any of my travels which included LA and northern FL. Hopefully the store is marking it up too much. Also, I have...
  17. crazy8

    tropical play sand?

    Everything you read on this site will tell you that sand is safe. It is aragonite based and a much cheaper alternative to the sand you normally buy at a LFS. It is also sold under the name Southdown. Do a search for that if you are not confident. I even used another play sand that is silica...
  18. crazy8

    Molted CBS

    Have to admit, I was worried he was dead, but I found him hiding in a rock tonight with just his claws sticking out. Sneaky little sucker too. I pulled the molt out as my cleaner crew is supposed to arrive in a couple days.
  19. crazy8

    Newbie algae query

    I removed CC from an initial setup similar to this situation. Only differences were that I didn't have UG filter or any fish in yet. But it was very easy. Grab a cup and start scooping. that way you can save the money you have on Salt already and the slim possibility you already have some...
  20. crazy8

    Molted CBS

    My Coral Banded molted (I hope). My CBS has seemed pretty active for the 2+weeks I have had it, but this morning he was just sitting there. My question is when it molts, does it look like a complete duplicate of the original with antennae attached and all. And if so, what does the little...