10 Gallon Sump Saga


The Tunze has Immersion depth of approximately 7" to 8.6"
I would have to say closer to the 8+" mark after test running in the sump, so this is why i figured to have about 9.5" baffle between skimmer/refugium
In regards to baffles. I am opting to go with skimmer/ref/return set up instead of return in the middle. So based on that would just one baffle between skimmer/refugium and then maybe just 2 between refugium/return be enough?
Also, I believe i can have the drain line submerged since the skimmer wont take up much room. I was actually planning on this just to cut down on noise a bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcmasterson http:///forum/thread/381467/eshopps-vs-lifereef-overflow/40#post_3326912
Al, much appreciated!
The dimensions of the tank are 20"Lx10"Wx12"H
Skimmer Dimensions are: 4.9" L x 2.1" W x 13.3" H
I also think it would be very helpful to start a thread and list their GPH rating and physical sizes of the sump/fuges
Shawn, what are your thoughts on the height of the baffles i have chosen? Is it good to have the bubble trap higher or lower or the same as the first baffle?
I will put something together tonight, I didn't have my computer at home last night. I will get back to you. I will start a thread for sumps and GPH.


Well-Known Member
That does put it pretty close to the top but if returns are set properly it shouldn't be a big deal IMO. However I think 8.5" on the skimmer side should be plenty.


Thanks Al for the draw ups!
As i have mentioned a few times before I am going with the set up skimmer/refugium/return instead of return in the middle as i have all my plumbing purchased to make that option work and believe having the flow move through 2 sections prior to the return will reduce the flow even further.
In regards to the bubble tower. I havent seen many real pictures of those, so all i need to do is put that in the corner and have slits at the bottom of the tower for the flow to leave, or does it run up and over the top into the skimmer section?
Also, i currently only have glass, i assume it would be difficult to make any sort of slit cut in glass and that i should be opting for acryllic for the pieces that need the slits?


Active Member
You are welcome - Acrylics & 2QUils will give you some good ideas. The drain line from your DT would go into the bubble tower (I think I called that wrong) and drains from the bottoms through the routed out slits. THis is usually filled with LR rubble to reduce bubbles. Have a looks at Flowers build.


That is a good idea about the bubble tower. Glass isnt able to be routed though is it? Would it be best to use something like lexan or acrylic panels for routing the slits?


Active Member
Cast acrylic would be fine I don't think you need to go to the expense of Lexan though, Acrylics will chime in on this one. You just have to rough up the edges and silicon them in and make anything that is between glass smaller to allow for the higher expansion rate of plastics. Sounds complicated but it is easy. Bubble tower can be seen on Flowers thread.


Active Member
If your going to use the glass tank, I'd honestly opt for glass baffles. Forget the Lexan... Nice cast acrylic is all you need if your doing acrylic. I will post pics of a bubble tower when I get home tonight. Honestly I think an add on coil be built and just dropped into place....


Well-Known Member
After all of the things I've heard from other peoples experiences using acrylic/plexi with glass sumps I'd recommend going with glass baffles as well. There are ways, little tips and tricks to be able to use the acrylic with more success but I'd still go with glass if ya can. You could still make the bubble tower/trap if you want to without having to route the glass (which probably won't work very well). A simple solution would be to use some egg crate/light diffuser. You can pick some up at home depot for about $12 a sheet. In the picture below you can see how I made my bubble trap on the left hand side and use the egg crate on the bottom of the baffle. You could do the same thing with the design above. Infact you really wouldn't even need to route or use the egg crate if you didn't want to. You could just support the bubble trap off of the bottom of the tank while the silicone dries and you just wouldn't have any teeth down there.


Active Member

This is the start of the construction of the bubble trap...I lay everything out and take it to the router table for cutting.....

Both pieces routed, and mocked up before gluing.......

Sorta shows where it's installed at!!!!

You can see the rubble rock inside the bubble tower...If you look to the bottom of the rubble rock just above the top plate of the skimmer stand you can see the routed teeth to allow the water to escape the bubble tower.......


Active Member
I would make my baffle height exactly the depth the skimmer needs to perform at it's peak.....You can cheat it a hair higher, but you have to be able to adjust the skimmer height in the chamber to find that sweet spot if you do!!!!!!


Hey Al, looking at the 3rd drawing above. Is the one end of the bubble tower part of the 1st baffle? It looks like they are one and the same and just wanted to be sure. That looks like a good way to save space! If i went that route, is the 2nd baffle in line the same height as the 1st baffle(part of tower?) Do you typically want the 2nd to be an inch or so higher when you make the baffle system, or when only using 2 baffles is the same height sufficient?


Well-Known Member
It looks like he does have them drawn up as one and the same. I do see a little problem with that though is there would be nothing to stop the water in the bubble tower from filling all the way up to the top with water. Perhaps it would be better to raise the bubble tower higher to go to the top of the sump. That way the water and bubbles wouldn't overflow it and go into the return section. Typically the 2nd baffle in the bubble trap is raised up about an inch. Probably isn't totally necissary but sometimes easier to cut or get pieces cut the same size. And it's a sure bet that all that water will be directed downward first instead of any water managing to spill over top of it if there's alot of flow traveling over it.


Posted and didnt even see the new posts from today! Corey, that is a great idea about using the plastic baffle underneath the glass. Since i already have the glass pieces purchased, maybe it will make sense to go the glass route over acrylic for better adhesion. The nice thing with my skimmer is that it is magnetized so i can raise and lower extremely easy. So i think making the baffle a tad higher than the skimmer requirements which are 8-8.5" might be easier to give the skimmer a little breathing room. If the sweet spot ends up being lower or higher i will have some wiggle room to work with.
I am thinking of opting for Al's 3rd drawing implementing the bubble tower and using the 1st baffle as part of the tower to save space. I will however swap the refugium with the return and make the middle the refugium. It seems like you guys really like the return in the center. If i am really looking to slow flow down wont it be more beneficial to have the return last in line to let the flow hit up against the rocks/algae in the refugium to aid in slowing down before hitting the return? I guess less plumbing for me that way as well. Also, the last drawing will have a 4x4" bubble tower allowing more rocks in it to slow flow compared with 3.25"x3.25" in the middle drawing.
My tank is in dire need to get this up and running! Hair algae is getting so sickening to look at


If i was planning on 9.5" for the 1st baffle and i opted for the 1st baffle and bubble tower to be one and the same, do you think i would be seeing overflow from tower into refugium?
I would use the bubble crate/diffuser stuff on the one available side of the bubble tower do you think that would allow enough space to let it flow out from there, or do you feel i will still see overflow from tower into next section and bypassing a lot of my skimmer area?