100g Volitan/Rhinopias tank build.


:D look on the bright side of things yehh:)
the tanks are going to be everywhere, you could open a mini sea-life center :L
as soon as i move out im going to make a ray/shark tank table, will be noiceee:D
is there much of a difference between a black volitans and a red? is the red also known as russels?


Active Member
No difference in a black verses a red unless there is a mis-ID'd. A Red Volitans or a Red Lion can either be an actual volitans or be mis-ID'd and is a Russells.
We are going to be looking for a black volitans, a russells and a miles.


very nice:D the one you have atm, is it a Red volitans?
how much LR have you got, and how much did it cost you? (if you dont mind stating)
its just, when i research how much LR i'll need, i check the prices around my area and even with the quantity discount its over £400, thats more then the actual tank.


Active Member
I would consider mine a red. The blacks are really black. But a red volitans can also be a Russells.
I have no idea how much rock is in there. It's rock that has been in a 55g for a few years and was collected over time. Some of them are pretty big.
I didn't want too much rock in there to give him more swimming room.


ahhh ok, yeh i want to go for just a little bit of LR, enough to keep them happy, but also not too much to take over the tank and go deep into my pocket.
your frondosa, how big is it? how big big does it grow too?


Active Member
When are they going in, BTW? Are you going to add them both at the same time, or the eschy and then the other guy??


Active Member
Another couple of weeks and the frondosa will go in. A month after that the eschy will go in. Want to give the system a good month between fish. We still need to decide on a skimmer for this one or we'll be putting the ER-RC180 on this one and need a new one for the 60g small scorp tank.


he looks like he's still hungry. He was giving you that look that my dog does when I dont fill his bowl up all the way. lol!!


lols, i bought a frogfish today:D, i dont have a clue wat frogfish it is, i'll post pics tomorrow hopefully:D
its brown and about 6" long, the guys at the LFS said it'll grow about another inch. but aparantly its a beast, they put a rabbitfish in with it once and it took it within minutes lols.
i think i may want my 130g to go in a different direction now:D

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
Whoa. The tank is crazy brown with diatoms. The pod population is gonna take a leap for a bit.
Can you have any type of cuc with this guy??? Snails??


Active Member
Oh yes, going to get some this weekend. Was waiting for a little algae to come in so they would have something to eat. But I won't get too many, this will pass in a bit.

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
Oh yes, going to get some this weekend. Was waiting for a little algae to come in so they would have something to eat. But I won't get too many, this will pass in a bit.
That's cool. Was wondering if he would eat everything you could possibly get for this!


Active Member
Naw, he won't touch your average CUC... just shrimp.
I'm gonna have to take a pic... the diatoms look SO lovely.