100g Volitan/Rhinopias tank build.


Active Member
You know, it does look smaller in that pic than it does IRL. I wonder if that is a position/angle or lens illusion.
I used a 50mm lens and took it from 2 rooms away.
BUT, this is also not a standard size. It's only 4 feet long. It's deeper than average, measuring 2 feet. Lots of room for the lionfish fins! So standard is 60"L x 18"D x 20" high and ours is 48"L x 24"D and 20" high


48x24x20 / 1728 * 7.48 = 99.73 gallons
so.. it's NOT 100 gallons

just kidding..
very nice tank.. and beautiful fish..I LOVE the lion!


Active Member
Can you imagine the burp this system is going to have when I throw this big guy in there? There's something to be said for letting them grow up in the tank that will be their end destination. The bioload capacity grows slowly with the fish. This is a whole lot of fish for any system to take on out of the blue. I've been feeding the base rock hard.


Active Member
I'll overfeed in prep and then I'll underfeed when the move actually takes place and slowly build up to his current amount. Yesh, he's gonna give me a heart attack.


You have sucessfully caused me to fall in love with lions..Now a volitan has snuck on to my stocking list..We should be getting him soon.

Looking forward to following this thread!


Originally Posted by aquashelle
You have sucessfully caused me to fall in love with lions..Now a volitan has snuck on to my stocking list..We should be getting him soon.

Looking forward to following this thread!
yeah no kidding.. i'm emailing my girlfriend back and forth about changing the plans for our 90 for a volitan.

shrimpy brains

Hey, what happened here???
We've all been enthralled with the 25g angler build and forgot about this 1!! Did it get done?? Where's the pics??


Active Member
It took us forever to get the 28g jbj off of there. Then we were waiting for a replacement part for one of the pumps and it didn't fit so we had to replan the plumbing scheme. Once the Angler tank is done we'll work on this one. I NEED to get the volitan out of his current tank. He has WAY outgrown it.

shrimpy brains

Yep! Before I start a project, I try to remind myself, "Nothing is ever as easy as u think it will be". And I never limit myself to a certain amount of time! Helps keep the frustration level down........well... a little bit anyway!! This helps, too....

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
We have a plumbing list.... it's off to Lowe's.... yes .... again....

You should buy some Lowe's stock while you are there and then you can recoup some of your moola!!


Active Member
Making standpipes......
I was a little nervous this tank wouldn't happen like we hoped, which was to keep the lion and the two Rhinos in there. There was a "stick incident" about 3 months ago and the Eschy went off frozen food. There was no way I was going to be able to put him in with the other two if he wasn't feeding from a stick. I've been feeding him damsels ever since and tried hard to get him back on frozen. I thought he was never going to convert again. But he DID!! He's taken Silversides the last 5 feeds. And he wants them absolutely whole. I shorted one by cutting off the tail... he didn't want it.
I can't tell ya the hunk of change that saves!