100g Volitan/Rhinopias tank build.


Active Member
You want a picture of my messed up livingroom?
Off to Osh, can't find a bulkhead and need some more tubing.... and some right angled hose barbs......
and a 3/4" strainer... I ordered one the wrong size.....
and some kleenex because I'm going to cry if I have to go to the hardware store again.......


Active Member
That would be Osh's, Home Depot and THEN Lowe's.... no such thing as one stop shopping.
Working on it now......


Active Member
Would you beileve to Lowe's (then to Pancake house) then to Osh's and then to Home Depot and on to Etailer.
Drilling hole in sump now and pipe wrapping with teflon. Husband played hookey so we can get this thing DONE!


Active Member
Pumps mounted..... fans mounted (to help keep pumps cool). There will be a sheet of vibration absorbing material under the plywood.

I ate enough sawdust to soothe my appetite for the next few days.
Now to rewire the fans.....


Active Member
Just bought the Net Module to go with the RKE. Now I'll get a call on the cell if something goes out of whack LOL!
Ohhhhh.... playing with the ColdHeat... soldering is fun!


Your pic are always amazing and am wondering what you use. I have a rebel xs w/50mm and 75/300mm. Is it me or the camera? Thanks


Active Member
I have a great camera, Canon 5D Mark II. But I'm also using supplemental lighting on a Boom because the sun was going around the back of the house.


WOW! She's not only a craftsman, a scorpian gooroo (spelling?) but she's a photographer too! no wonder her stuff looks so professional! Jack of all trades right? I wish I had that much tallent.


Active Member
Classes for the camera? No. But I've been thinking of hiring someone to come into my house and teach me some stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bulldog123
I just looked up that camera and its like comparing a yugo to a cadie. At least it just isnt me.

Actually, I just got the new camera. All those pics are taken with a 40D or a 20D.


Active Member
NOT a good pic... but welcome to my mess.

Gonna hook up the chiller today. Waiting for some drain hoses to arrive in the mail. Won't be mounting the reefkeeper until the end.


Active Member
She's plumbed except for the drain hoses.
We are going to put to chiller to the side and build a little case for it.


The Set-up looks great. I'm glad you're getting Lions some exposure. I love my Radiata and i'm having trouble fighting the urge for an angler. there is a little all black angler at my LFS...so tempting!