125 Predator Build

Originally Posted by Arlene1995
I have always wanted to convert one of those modern saltwater pools into some GIANT saltwater tank. You know, the BIG morays, Reds, maybe a Shark, and why limit it to what's out on the salt flats??? Grouper, Jacks, Pompano, and Drums!!! LOL
Its like the pinfish is swimmin around, it turns around and its all "HOLY DFHJKFGHKJE ITS A BLUE WHALE OH...EMM...JEEEEE!!!" LOL


Well, I kinda forgot about this thread and since the last update a HUGE amount has gone on.... First of all, I am down to one starfish (a blue one) and shortly after the post in January, the Toadfish collapsed the entire right-hand side of the rocks resulting in the death of one of the starfish. Then, it got stuck in the left pile so I had to take that apart as well. At that point, I became sick and am finally recovering so I rebuilt the entire rock structure on Sunday to be "toadfish-friendly". I based it kinda on Crimzy's 450....
Livestock-wise: All are doing fabulous and actually when I got home from school today Puff was puffed! Didn't get a pic fast enough though. Two new additions though, I just got a ~4" Sailfin Tang (Z. veliferum) I also found a - what I believe to be - a Clearnose Skate Egg. I can't tell if it is still good, but I think I can hatch it. It is in tact and not decaying so I'm hoping for the best. They have an at least 3 month incubation period. The eggs are laid from Dec. to May so it could hatch as early as tomorrow or even May...
Sorry for the long post, I'll try to keep up with the thread... PICS!!!



Active Member
Sorry to hear about the starfish, but glad for the update.
The skate should be interesting. I remember catching them off one of the piers down south. Looks like the pinfish is getting huge too! Like he's bigger then the toadfish!


Yeah. It is sad about the star... The Pin is now around 10" with the Toad at 9.5... Yeah that skate will be very interesting for sure...
I don't blame you! They are awesome but I have heard horror stories where a Fimby will take a BIG chunk out of a Trigger... Maybe mine is just passive... Either way, they rock!!!


The pin fish (here we call them piggy perch and use them for bait to cetch trout) can get to be over a pound and a half. Your fish are awsome! I saw one of the toad fish the other day at the lfs. It was only 4 inches but was already gobblig down damsels.


Lol! They work well as bait in the keys for Barracudas!!! At the Florida Aquarium, they have a native display with 14"+ Pins in it... If is quite impressive.
Thank you!!! Interestingly enough, my toad has still not managed to get my damsel... I have had that damsel for nearly a year now!


I think it is a good bit of both... More towards the toad's slowness though. Lol
Oh yeah. When I caught mine, he was nearly totally grey. Now, he has incredible blue and yellow stripes!


Took a couple of pics tonight... So far, the Toad approves of my rock structure and has not bulldozed any of it yet... I may post some more later tonight depending on whether or not any come out...
There is a pic of my Sailfin, and a pic of the Toad's mouth nearly all the way open. (I got him to bite the stick in coordination with the camera...)



LOL. That'd be nice (and nearly impossible! I can barley get the thing to find the feeding stick LOL)
Any other random pics of the Toad shall be posted!


Well, figured I'd update here. Nothing too much has changed except that I redid the rocks now, some hair algae has been appearing on the rocks now so I ordered a Longspine Urchin, and I picked up some Macro today from my LFS for my refugium... I took a vid to show the fish and rocks. I took the vid shortly after I redid the rocks so the tank is cloudy and there is debris around... I'll take more pics and maybe a video of feeding tomorrow. Enjoy!


I went to my LFS today and to my surprise they had my Urchin in so I picked him up. He's REAL small; somewhere on the order of around 3" from the longest spine to the longest spine... Anyways, pics!!!


Right-hand side

Left-hand side


Groupshot of nearly everyone

Just liked this pic of one of my rics