I haven't updated in the last 2 months and a lot has gone on... First of all, my Emperor Snapper didn't make it. Since then, the tank has been steady in params, life, etc. until Christmas time. With the money I got, I first got a Dragon Wrasse for $40. It was 4-5" and almost done changing to adult colors. Well, it made the first night. Then, 2nd day, no sign all day. Come feeding time, Fimby not hungry, slight lump, and no Wrasse... Most expensive dinner yet
.... So, with the fact burnt into my mind that anything less than 5" in length (except damsels apparently
) is eel food. So, the next trip to my LFS I brought home the most hideous thing I have ever seen.... A gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta). It has been fine and has been eating like a hog the whole time. There is a bit of bad news though, my biggest star (Luidia clathrata) passed away two days ago. Everything is normal otherwise... Thinking of adding an Urchin to the tank but am not sure since I heard Toadfish sometimes have an appetite for them...
Currently I have my Pinfish, SFE, Fimby... Got a measurement last night too... 21" and about 2-2.5" thick, Porcupine Puffer (Puff), Damsel, and Toadfish (Igor).
Here's a couple pics: