125 Predator Build


I'm not trying to be a party crasher it just seems the tank was rushed through the cycle and stocked before it was ready. It looks to me like it has zero live rock, perhaps a few pounds in the fuge.


Well, I haven't updated in a while, but the tank is still progressing. I have redone the rockwork and the diatom bloom is officially done!!!

I am starting to see more and more green algae that my Mag-Float won't get off. I have heard that as a tank matures, the algae goes from cyano or diatom, then green, then coralline.... is this true?
Here is a video that I took when I fed the tank last night. On the menu was: Squid, Shrimp, Mussel/Clam, Cuttlefish, and Octopus.
Feeding the 125
And my other video. This one of the starfish burying itself after eating a clam.
Starfish Burying


Active Member
That starfish is pretty sweet, what it is? LFS here had ones that they sold under the general "caribbean starfish," which makes any search for a proper name useless...

What's the growth rate on the Snapper too? Inch or two a month?


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
That starfish is pretty sweet, what it is? LFS here had ones that they sold under the general "caribbean starfish," which makes any search for a proper name useless...

What's the growth rate on the Snapper too? Inch or two a month?

Thanks! Yeah, you can't always trust an LFS's naming.... I think it is what Pumper said, Luidia clathrata
The Snapper was purchased in early May and he was about 4-5". Now he is like 7-8". So yeah, I'd say around an inch a month is acually pretty accurate!

Originally Posted by Pumper

Looks just like the sand stars we catch in our shrimp nets on the Alabama coast. I think its a grey sand star, Luidia clathrata. http://www.gsmfc.org/seamap/picture_...rms/luidia.pdf
Thanks! Yep. That's it! I was wondering....


Well, I haven't posted in a while now so I thought I'd update. My Emporer Snapper came down with Pop-Eye so he is currently in my 55g QT. Other than that I have added some new rock and did a little bit of shifting the rocks around. I will have to try to post a new FTS tonight... It is hard to get right.
I was also thinking about putting in some xenia or some brown zoos. Just some coral or something that will bring some more "zing" to the tank. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks!


Well, here is the FTS! It looks kinda cloudy because I was cleaning a little bit ago. Tomorrow, I should get my "T" so I can run both returns on my QuietOne4000HH!!! I can then begin on my DIY closed loop... More on that later....
Here it is!


nice, i like the vids. how well does the star keep the sand clean? i may need to get one like that to stand up in my tank once it gets goin haha


Thanks! I tell ya, that star has done an EXCELLENT job. I have two others of a different species but they are smaller. I'll have to try and get a picture...


Well, it is a number of things.
1) When I took the pic, I had just cleaned the INSIDE of the tank.
2) The glass was covered in salt from a failed attempt at cleaning it.
3) My camera has an evil habit of making a haze.
If you see it in person, it is almost crystal clear.


cool tank, i like the basic plain look with some big eels swimming around. i want to make the same style tank with 2 eels and just some rocks and pvc for them to hide in and a few aggresive fish, like trigger or puffer etc.


Well, I haven't updated in a while so I thought I should...
My Emporer Snapper came down with pop-eye and is currently in QT. He is nearing the end of QT and should be back in the DT within a couple of weeks. I haven't done much else to the tank other than general maintenence. I did get to see my Fimby half out this morning and am guessing he is roughly 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" thick... I will try to get pics tomorrow...


Yeah, I was watching your thread when I saw that your Blue Hippo (I think that was it) came down with Ich... Ever since I saw what happened to you, I have QTed every fish I have purchased since then...


Active Member
yup - it was my hippo after adding the striped dogface directly to the DT. Luckily hypo did the job. But it sure would have been nice to have done hypo on a 55gal QT instead of a 180 gal DT! lessons learned....
But I'm sure glad that my mistake helped you out also!