125 Reef Tank Build



Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Do you think two 1.5 bulkhead with strainers for intake will be enough or should i go with four?How ever many i do ,i want to keep the holes the same size as the holes for your coast to coast design so i dont have to buy another hole saw bit.
The two 1.5" will likely be enough but I would put a Tee and two strainers on each bulkhead. I would span them over the back wall of the tank. You can extend them down towards the bottom, but do not go too close, you don't want them to suck up substrate when the fish stir it up.
How long will the plumbing be between the intakes and the suction inlet of the pump? What size pipe will you be using for that?


Active Member
I think Ameno has a 4 way on his 125 thread I'll have to look. The dart is for the CL ro return? In either case isn't that just crazy flow for a 125?
I was looking at the Wahoo or Tarpin for my 120!
With that 1 pump you at almost 30x right there. Am I missing something here?


Originally Posted by TurningTim
I think Ameno has a 4 way on his 125 thread I'll have to look. The dart is for the CL ro return? In either case isn't that just crazy flow for a 125?
I was looking at the Wahoo or Tarpin for my 120!
With that 1 pump you at almost 30x right there. Am I missing something here?

I don't see a problem with the DART on a 120g. They are suitable for flow on 75g and 90g as well.
I added a snapper on my 75 to replace a T4 return pump. (I have another T4 on the closed loop) The fish can't get enough of it and the corals are thriving. I would have put a DART on the Oceans Motions, but I don't feel like draining and drilling, as the current CL intake is only 1".


Active Member
Originally Posted by BeanAnimal
Jaw dropping... You still don't understand. This entire exchange has been a waste becuase you can't see past your own malformed opinions. For every point that is brought up you twist it a bit and add an example or tangent to fit your opinion. Instead of winning on the merits of your position, you change the subject.
Prevention is in the cure? Good grief.
Yes, DOC, you answer fact with opinion. You argue by spinning like a politician, it is intellectually dishonest and shows your utter lack of understanding. I guess if you can't win an arguement, twist the topic so that it appears you did? Counter with useless points to make it appear like you have have a greater knowledge?
Do I have to quote your initial posts in this thread to remind you we are talking about YOUR COMMENTS and NOT YOUR FISH TANK?
As for the Herbie overflow and my understanding of how it works. Get a grip, go read the original thread. I explained (and defended) his design to the uninformed. That included explaining the MUST HAVE 2nd standpipe for EMERGENCY OVERFLOW. I happened to improve upon the design to fit my needs and those of others. My setup handles more flow and does so safely and silently with less chance of it falling out of adjustment. It has 3 seperate safety features that allow it to work in a fail-safe manner. There are several key differences, but the adjustment bandwidth and safety are the ones that stand out.
Your entire post is full of twisted nonsense and I just don't have the energy to counter every point AGAIN. You do not appear to be able to stay on the actual topic and continue to fold in useless arguements. Notice, I keep saying the same thing but your counters keep evolving and becoming more disconnected to the actual subject? You actually now brought up the "how much flow does vinnie really need". Good grief, lets fold that in too. What is the PROPER flow rate through a sump? What is wasteful and what is useful?
NO Doc, they are not"just submerged dursos". To even make that arguement shows once again that you are utterly clueless with regard to the function, failure modes and operating parameters of these overflows (any of them).
A durso works by allowing AIR to enter the standpipe. Depending on the flow, the drop (negative head) and the diameter of the pipe, the air will either be noisy or quiet. More air means less overall flow, less air means more flow but the a greater chance of turbulance because the air can start to form pockets in the pipe. You see Doc, the Durso (or Stockman) works somewhere between laminar open channel flow and laminar full siphon, usually a turbulant partial siphon. They are VERY prone to changes in barometric pressure, water parameters, slime coats and other factors. For ANY given DURSO or STOCKMAN the "quiet" mode of operation is function of the air/water ratio as it relates to the length and diamter of the standpipe. I suppose you will want to argue about them (the durso and stockmans also).
So yes DOC, Stockmans and Durso can be quiet. The entire reason that HERBIE, MYSELF and others designed overflows was because they ARE TOO DEPENDENT ON TOO MANY VARIALES. At high flow rates or over long drops they can be very problematic.
To your next irrelevant comment: Nobody said that Vinni had to run 3000 GPH. Why do people like you INSIST on debating by confusing the topic with stuff like this. Who gives a damn what size return pump Vinni plans on using. You made Uninfomred comments in the opening of this thread and continue to flounder around trying to justify them. This design (and the Herbie design) are not dependent on a high flow system. Furthermore they can be SCALED DOWN to fit low flow systems. One could easily use 1/2" or 3/4" standpipes on a low flow system.
Why not increase the drain size and forgio the open channel pipe? Because the OPEN CHANNEL pipe is what provides the VERY WIDE operating bandwidth. That has been covered here, my thread and on my website. This is one of the key benefits compared to the HERBIE setup. Again DOC, if you took your foot out of your mouth long enough to breath, you would see the difference.
Open your eyes DOC, you can't always be the sharpest pencil in the pack. Your understanding of this subject is only enough to get you in over your head. All of the twisting and spinning will not change the reality. You may want to consider the difference between OPINION and FACT before entering another debate like this.
One of my wifes favorite saying is:
People accuse others of doing the things they themselves are guilty of. Look at your posts here.
I'm done, you can insult me all you want.

Venni, can you draw something up showing your hole placement? I'm not completly sure I understand what you wanting.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
I think Ameno has a 4 way on his 125 thread I'll have to look. The dart is for the CL ro return? In either case isn't that just crazy flow for a 125?
I was looking at the Wahoo or Tarpin for my 120!
With that 1 pump you at almost 30x right there. Am I missing something here?
The pump is for the CL...28.8x turnover and i might add more.I have 2 modded MJs that i might incorporate into foam rock wall.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by BeanAnimal
The two 1.5" will likely be enough but I would put a Tee and two strainers on each bulkhead. I would span them over the back wall of the tank. You can extend them down towards the bottom, but do not go too close, you don't want them to suck up substrate when the fish stir it up.
How long will the plumbing be between the intakes and the suction inlet of the pump? What size pipe will you be using for that?
Probably 2 or 3 ft. max

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Venni, can you draw something up showing your hole placement? I'm not completly sure I understand what you wanting.
Only going to have 5 holes .
Three 1" across the top(overflow) for refugium and sump.And two 1.5" mid tank at 1/3 intervals for CL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Then my least favorite part stain and seal.

I hear ya!! I must say this is a VERY nice build.
I love to build...but not the finishing. Staining and clearing is an art form...as far as I am concerned. Depending on your color selection,you may want to consider professional finisher. I know it costs a lot..but they really do a nice job. I built my wall unit and spent 800 for the guy to finish it...came out great!! I would never have been able to get a final product like they did.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
I hear ya!! I must say this is a VERY nice build.
I love to build...but not the finishing. Staining and clearing is an art form...as far as I am concerned. Depending on your color selection,you may want to consider professional finisher. I know it costs a lot..but they really do a nice job. I built my wall unit and spent 800 for the guy to finish it...came out great!! I would never have been able to get a final product like they did.
Tedious but i can handle it .It will be a cold day in hell before i give someone $800 to stain and seal my DIY stand and canopy lol.And by some chance if its a total mess i can whip out some paint .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici http:///forum/post/2612362
Tedious but i can handle it .It will be a cold day in hell before i give someone $800 to stain and seal my DIY stand and canopy lol.And by some chance if its a total mess i can whip out some paint .

I didn't want to chance it on my wall unit.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Very nice . What about your sump/fuge return? Going over the top?
Yeah doc,Im going with 4 returns off 1.5 pipe reduced down to 3/4 line-loc. I think im going to use a line-loc "Y" at either end of tank,and then sump/fuge in center back

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
I didn't want to chance it on my wall unit.

AHHHH! That is a really nice entertainment center.You built that?
4 compound miters @ 31.62 deg.
I love crown molding.I had some 7.25 stored in the rafters i wanted to use,but its white.


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
One of my wifes favorite saying is:
People accuse others of doing the things they themselves are guilty of. Look at your posts here.
I'm done, you can insult me all you want.

Venni, can you draw something up showing your hole placement? I'm not completly sure I understand what you wanting.
Doc, it is called "projection" and it is hardly the case here. If it makes you feel better, then go ahead and tell yourself that I am clueless.
I designed and tested my overflow system. I know how and why it works. I understand the Stockman and Durso from a real world, and a physics standpoint.
I used a set of design criteria to build my overflow setup. Those design criteria where not met by any of the other designs I have seen.
Your comments to open this thread, and the comments that have followed indicate that you do not fully understand these systems. Your arguements in this thread devolved into very contrived and convoluted reasoning.
I am sure your a nice guy with good intentions. I would just hope that next time, you think before you speak about a subject that you do not fully understand. I will remind you that it is not your opinions that I have a problem with, you are fully entitled to those. I have a problem with some of your statements regarding the function and subsuquent need for the features or components of my system.
I learn something every day, I do so many times from being wrong. If (and when) you catch me in the wrong, I will gladly admit it. It means I get to learn something.
Take care...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Doors are complete.

Now it time for some serious sanding ,should take me only a few days to have it prepped for stain.I made a mistake on the door frame openings by a 1/2 " and it prevented me from doing raise panel but i think theses doors turned out just fine.


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by BeanAnimal
Very nice work. Do you have more photos of the detail?
Not yet BeanAnimal,ill take some after i start sanding.BTW i hope you dont mind if i start peppering you with questions soon
.Ill be ordering pump,bulkheads,and some other stuff soon.