14G BioCube w/ Pistol Shrimp/Yasha Goby, What else to add


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
The one that's faded is from GC Fish and Reef. The ones I have no issues w/ are all from AquaHut. They're getting a shipment soon. I'll probably pick one up from them. It's a shipment from Bali so theyll have a lot.
how the heck do u know this stuff lol. oh yea i got a job at pets warehouse in seldon lol. i mean not really the largest selection yet but hey...


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
how the heck do u know this stuff lol. oh yea i got a job at pets warehouse in seldon lol. i mean not really the largest selection yet but hey...

I'm in there at least 2x a week, and know Tony and Don really well. They will tell their regulars when they're getting shipments if no one else is around. I'm on a hunt for a couple specific corals from their Bali shipment so Tony has been keeping me up to date on it. Whenever they get Bali shipments, they're PACKED. They did get a lot of inverts and fish this past week. They have some awesome pistol shrimp (huge ghost pistol, looks crazy!) A lot of anemones, I'm waiting a few days on one that Tony is holding for me to see if it fades or not.
So you work in Pets Warehouse now? Maybe their stuff will look better now that someone that knows what they're doing works there?
I heard they had a major crash after they opened. You should see Country Critters, someone dosed all their tanks, stuff is a mess, they lost a ton of coral in the main DT when you walk up the ramp, and have like NO FRAGS or SPS left.


Active Member
Wow that's cool I might have to go check out aqua hut. They tell me when they get shipments in just never where from. Idk where anything is from anyway so it would help haha.
Yea idk we don't really have anything as far as saltwater goes right now. Just a few fish. But hopefully we will get in some live rock and stuff soon. I think our grand opening is something like a month away anyway.


The anemone is in the 155. Still adjusting to the MH's and the clowns beating on it. Doesn't look any different. I decided not to put it back in this tank even if it doesn't color up again. My little coral eating clown does not deserve a pretty anemone


I have of my blenny and pistol shrimp sharing the same burrow, just waiting for my phone to email it to me! SO SLOW! 3G my butt!
If not tonight, it should be done by the morning.
I promised Nissan a pic!


Here's the blenny sharing a burrow with the pistol shrimp (I will try to get a better pic, this was taken with my phone and the blenny wouldn't stay still)
See Nissan, I don't break promises!



Originally Posted by nissan577
that is amazing! i never knew that will happened with a blenny

LOL... I don't think he knows that he's a blenny.
At first I though the pistol shrimp was trying to eat him. The shrimp actually dug a bigger burrow for the blenny. It's really cool. Sad thing is, my yasha goby won't come out of hiding and re-pair with her shrimp


Originally Posted by skate020
lol, silly shrimp.
i might stick a shrimp in my 10g with a blenny or something, just cos its sooo bare atm lol
Why not a shrimp/goby combo? Most blennies don't pair up with pistol shrimp.
Originally Posted by nissan577

were the yasha????
She hides for weeks on end under a rock in the back of the tank. I haven't seen her in about a month now. My husband swears she's still alive though
Sucks, because in the beginning she was really social and out swimming and would eat from my hand. Now she hides in a burrow and you won't even see her at feeding time.


Originally Posted by nissan577
what do you feed the tank????
It's a mix of what goes in the 155, I drop a little in this tank.
Always: San Francisco Bay Brand Emerald Entree, Reef Nutrition ArctiPods, Boyd's VitaChem & Kent Garlic Extreme 2x a day.
Then we mix in either PE Mysis, San Francisco Bay Brand Marine Cuisine, Spirulina Brine w/ Omega-3s or Squid.
It's a lot of food, but there are 17 fish in the 155 including two juvenile tangs, so they eat a lot, and we feed over a 30minute period. Only a very small amount goes in the 14.
I tried algae sheets for the blenny, but he wouldn't go near them.



She's a little thin and scared, but okay. Thank goodness, I really thought she was dead, it's been over a month since I last saw her.
I'm so excited. Now I just have to keep the Tail Spot Blenny from bossing her around! He's chasing her all over the tank. Maybe I can get her to re-pair with her pistol shrimp, who by the way has built quite the extensive cave in the front of my tank. He's taken over the entire front left corner!


Active Member
well im really glad you found her
congrats! now the important thing to do is like you said lets hope for the yasha and shrimp to get together


Originally Posted by nissan577
well im really glad you found her
congrats! now the important thing to do is like you said lets hope for the yasha and shrimp to get together
They were together when I got them, but the shrimp wouldn't accept her in their new home ... we'll see. There are two shrimp in there, so maybe the other one will be nicer. It seems that the two shrimp have paired up now so it's going to be harder.


So Mr. Coral Eating Clownfish munched on his last coral in my tank this weekend and promptly went on a road trip to the LFS. I wanted to wait and put him in the refugium, but he's a monster and I can't put anything in the tank right now.
The Yasha is doing better today, but I think that its hopeless to try to re-pair her w/ the pistol. The blenny and pistol are paired and he won't let the yasha near the burrow.
So I have a blenny that thinks he's a shrimp goby and a shrimp goby that picks at the rocks and thinks she's a blenny

So I'm thinking about a third fish for this tank. I love the Orange spotted filefish. I know a LFS that has had a pair of them since before the holidays and they're eating meaty foods. Have to do a tiny bit more research.