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See, I really want a lionfish, I wanted to put him in the refugium we're building, but I've always heard they're so hard to feed in the beginning.
As for the anemone, I'm starting to think that it may have been dyed. A lot of people on a local forum that I belong to don't like the LFS that I bought this thing from. The owner has always done right by me, but he wasn't there the day I bought this, so who knows %% I'm going to mention it to him tomorrow, because he knows who bought the other one in that nem tank. See how that one is doing. He was keeping them under regular fluorescent lighting like you'd see in ceiling lights, so under a brand new 10K PC, it shouldn't have lost it's coloring
It's super healthy, but the color is awful, so I really think it was died and it's just a regular BTA. If so, words will be shared
lionfish arnt hard to get to feed at all, yes they need live food to begin with. but after a week they should be on frozen, there harder then blennys and tangs etc. but there are some ALORTT worse fish out there.
honestly stick a guppy in with a lion he'll eat it, stick a dead one on some fishing line and wiggle it, he'll eat it, then swap it with the tail of a silverside, wiggle that infront of him, he'll eat it.

aha, too right, if they dyed an anemone and sold it as a RBTA thats fraud and should be sued for all the live stock in the place:L words should be shared lol