14G BioCube w/ Pistol Shrimp/Yasha Goby, What else to add


Active Member
i have own them in my 75g but that was a long time ago. i dont think i have pics of them. but they are mean! and ugly!


Originally Posted by nissan577
but why would he do that????
I wish I knew! He must've known that it was my favorite coral in the tank and that I searched everywhere for a good small piece for this tank. It's not like he's starving, plenty to eat, if anything, he gets fed too much.
Destroyed my beautiful goniopora in less than 24hrs (caught him ripping at the polyps and literally eating them) and munched on a blue mushroom. If he eats anything else he is out and I've already caught him eyeing my candy cane frag.


Active Member
well the goniopora dont last that long so maybe he was destroying the dead tissue idk about the shroom. he better not destroy anything else.


Originally Posted by nissan577
well the goniopora dont last that long so maybe he was destroying the dead tissue idk about the shroom. he better not destroy anything else.
Everyone says that, I have a green and a purple in my 155, both are over a year old and doing great.
he definitely killed it. It was fine and he yanked off entire stalks, once it started to die, he ignored it and the blenny at the dead tissue.
He basically ate an entire side off the mushroom too!

I'm beginning to wonder if he is the reason for half of one of my zoa colonies disappearing?


Originally Posted by nissan577
it could be. take him out and put him in another tank and see how everything is for months.
I will as soon as the refugium is up and running for the 155, that'll be a good home for the coral eating monster. Right now there isnt too much in there that he csn destroy, I may move the candycanes and baby sun corals to the 155 for now.


Originally Posted by nissan577
im sorry this is happening.
It's ok. If this is the worst thing I have o worry about in this hoby, I will take it.

At least he's not in the 155, then I would be pulling my hair out.
Only I would get stuck with a clownfisb that eats coral. And to think, out of 20 or so clowns in the tank, I had to choose him
. I sent the guy ar the LFS on a hunt to get this particular clown because he was a misbar.


Originally Posted by nissan577
you got a misbar clown???? well atleast its in a tiny tank!

Yup. He was mixed in with regular clowns so I made the guy fish him out, he didn't know any better so I got it for the same price.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
See, I really want a lionfish, I wanted to put him in the refugium we're building, but I've always heard they're so hard to feed in the beginning.
As for the anemone, I'm starting to think that it may have been dyed. A lot of people on a local forum that I belong to don't like the LFS that I bought this thing from. The owner has always done right by me, but he wasn't there the day I bought this, so who knows %% I'm going to mention it to him tomorrow, because he knows who bought the other one in that nem tank. See how that one is doing. He was keeping them under regular fluorescent lighting like you'd see in ceiling lights, so under a brand new 10K PC, it shouldn't have lost it's coloring
It's super healthy, but the color is awful, so I really think it was died and it's just a regular BTA. If so, words will be shared

lionfish arnt hard to get to feed at all, yes they need live food to begin with. but after a week they should be on frozen, there harder then blennys and tangs etc. but there are some ALORTT worse fish out there.
honestly stick a guppy in with a lion he'll eat it, stick a dead one on some fishing line and wiggle it, he'll eat it, then swap it with the tail of a silverside, wiggle that infront of him, he'll eat it.:)
aha, too right, if they dyed an anemone and sold it as a RBTA thats fraud and should be sued for all the live stock in the place:L words should be shared lol


Originally Posted by skate020
lionfish arnt hard to get to feed at all, yes they need live food to begin with. but after a week they should be on frozen, there harder then blennys and tangs etc. but there are some ALORTT worse fish out there.
honestly stick a guppy in with a lion he'll eat it, stick a dead one on some fishing line and wiggle it, he'll eat it, then swap it with the tail of a silverside, wiggle that infront of him, he'll eat it.:)
aha, too right, if they dyed an anemone and sold it as a RBTA thats fraud and should be sued for all the live stock in the place:L words should be shared lol
yeah, I can't have a lion though. It would eat so much stuff in my tank ... They're just not that reef friendly and not worth the work for me. One day I'll convince the husband to do a fish only, and then most definitely I'll get one.


Originally Posted by skate020
lol sounds good:)
any progress with the nem?
I think it was dyed. It looks more and more like my regular bubble tips every day. It's healthy, it eats, etc, just not the color I want. I might throw it in my 155. I want a vibrant color in this tank, and that thing just isn't cutting it. The foot is so well planted on this rock though, so we'll see.

I know my LFS (that I trust) is getting more in this week, if I have time (and money, LOL) I'll probably pick one up from them. That's where all my other nems are from. They wouldn't dye it.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Hello. :) which store is your "trusted anemone one"
The one that's faded is from GC Fish and Reef. The ones I have no issues w/ are all from AquaHut. They're getting a shipment soon. I'll probably pick one up from them. It's a shipment from Bali so theyll have a lot.