14G BioCube w/ Pistol Shrimp/Yasha Goby, What else to add


Originally Posted by Cranberry
But you know I'm just teasing you. I still don't have a CUC at all in mine. The diatoms are getting more and more "pretty".
LOL ... ^^That's not my User name!^^
HAHAHA, the best was the person who asked me what kind of coral my diatoms are and asked if I could frag her some! LOL


The Diatoms aren't too bad, but I hate an unclean tank! The Yasha build her burrow (or 5 burros I should say) to the right of the rock work. The tank needs a TON more rock and the frags are just plopped in the sand as a temporary measure until I decide where I want them (need more rock first).

And here's where the dumb pistol shrimp went (we had to break the grate open and add sand in there so he didn't die!


She finally came out! My husband and I didn't realize that the damn audio was on, LOL. She comes out and swims about 40seconds into the video.


Added a ton more rock tonight, an orange ricordia that's about to split, an RBTA and an Ocellaris Clownfish that is a misbar on one side, 2 nassarius snails, 4 trochus snails, 4 mexican reef hermits and a Fire Shrimp.
I really wanted a black and white clown, BUT, no one ever has them in stock by me and I've heard that they're much harder to get to take to an anemone than some others. I really liked the coloring of this clown, so I bought him, lol.
I'll post pics tomorrow


So, added new rocks last night, didn't like the look of one and went to move it this morning, lifted it up, and what's this? ANOTHER PISTOL SHRIMP!

A while back I had a Randalli Pistol Shrimp that came as a hitchhiker with some LR, but him in the 14G and never saw him again, didn't really keep the tank up and running and thought this guy was dead, but yeah, he's not

He's missing his pistol claw at the moment, but he's survived for quite a long time without it thus far. I'm so excited. Hard to get a pic of him but we tried:
If you look close you can see his tail under the daisy polyps:


FTS ... don't mind the frags that are just shoved in the sand. I just moved them into new homes in the tank, waiting for them to open, then I'll take a better pic.



Here's our Misbar Ocellaris Clownfish, Mr. C (don't ask, my husband is a weirdo, lol) and our new fire shrimp.



sincee when did you put the RBTA in? i thought you weren't going to put one in there lols?
its well bright. the ones i see in my LFS are dull and colourless, i dont think i've seen a nice RBTA in my LFS lols


Originally Posted by skate020
sincee when did you put the RBTA in? i thought you weren't going to put one in there lols?
its well bright. the ones i see in my LFS are dull and colourless, i dont think i've seen a nice RBTA in my LFS lols
I put one in Wednesday night. Yeah, this RBTA is one of the nicest ones I've seen so I had to have it. I was always set on an anemone going in this tank, just wasn't sure which one. I have great success with Bubble Tips, and when I saw this one, I had to have it. I only paid $45 for it with the rock it's on. I couldn't pass up the deal.
I just put a clam in too, I'll post pics in a little while when it opens up.