14G BioCube w/ Pistol Shrimp/Yasha Goby, What else to add


Originally Posted by small triggers
lookin good lookin good!!!

thanks ... now if only I could get the pistols to come out and for my blenny to actually clean the hair algae

Honestly, the tank is a mess. I keep moving things, etc. It's constantly in state of chaos because my husband steals my frags to put in the large tank. That and I have a clownfish that eats coral


your nems changed color:L
it was alot more red when you put it in
it looks goood:)
do you have a clownfish pair? or just one?


Originally Posted by skate020
your nems changed color:L
it was alot more red when you put it in
it looks goood:)
do you have a clownfish pair? or just one?
Yeah, it's been moving all over the tank. I don't know what it's deal is, it's always eating and then it looks gross.
It's healthy, just not as pretty
If it wasn't healthy I'd throw it in my 155 under the halides. The clown doesn't go near it, so I might throw it in the 155 anyways.
The clam is growing like crazy!
Just the one clownfish .. and I HATE him! He eats coral!!
Have you ever heard of a coral eating clownfish? Only me

I decided to just do the one clownfish because I wanted the blenny as well and didn't want to overstock the tank since there is no protein skimmer on it. Three fish is enough.


ahhh fair enough, yeh i suppose theres no point having the nem in there if the clown doesnt go near it lol,
never heard of a coral eating clown untill now lol,
uh oh, will you need to move it to the 155 soon? the clam that is.
my 10g is now a tropical freshwater tank for my guppys so i can feed my lion, hes a fussy one lol


Originally Posted by skate020
ahhh fair enough, yeh i suppose theres no point having the nem in there if the clown doesnt go near it lol,
never heard of a coral eating clown untill now lol,
uh oh, will you need to move it to the 155 soon? the clam that is.
my 10g is now a tropical freshwater tank for my guppys so i can feed my lion, hes a fussy one lol
Not going to move the clam, at least not yet. It's still small enough, but I've been watching the rims, and it's grown a lot in the past 6 weeks since I bought it. I probably won't move it 'til it at least doubles in size. One day it'll go in the 155.
Yes, I hate this clownfish. Only I would get stuck with a coral eating clownfish!
He ate an entire goniopora on me in less than 24 hours and munched on some of my blue mushrooms. I think he's going to get a ride to the LFS very shortly.
See, I really want a lionfish, I wanted to put him in the refugium we're building, but I've always heard they're so hard to feed in the beginning.
As for the anemone, I'm starting to think that it may have been dyed. A lot of people on a local forum that I belong to don't like the LFS that I bought this thing from. The owner has always done right by me, but he wasn't there the day I bought this, so who knows
I'm going to mention it to him tomorrow, because he knows who bought the other one in that nem tank. See how that one is doing. He was keeping them under regular fluorescent lighting like you'd see in ceiling lights, so under a brand new 10K PC, it shouldn't have lost it's coloring
It's super healthy, but the color is awful, so I really think it was died and it's just a regular BTA. If so, words will be shared


Originally Posted by nissan577
looking good bro!

Thanks ... but umm, I'm not a bro

I'm going to have to be like FretFreak13 and put "i'm not a boy" under my un.
And yeah, the pico tank, not happening just yet
My sister-in-law needed a bigger tank for her Japanese fighting fish, or whatever it is, so he gave her the tank

I'll just have to get another one


Originally Posted by nissan577
im sorry i didnt mean to put that.
LOL ... it's okay. I'm one of the boys anyways
I guess that's why everyone on this site thinks I'm a boy (except for Meowzer)
So I'm taking out the clown if he munches on another coral, what should I replace him with (no clown gobies, I kill them for some reason)


Originally Posted by nissan577
fire fish or a yellow watchmen goby or a B&W clown
Hmm. I was just about to adjust my post to you to say "no long, thin fish, I already have the yasha goby and the tail spot blenny" but you're too quick for me!

I should just get a B&W clown, that's what I wanted in the first place. But shhhh, don't tell meowzer, I might get a blue sapphire damsel (they're peaceful, unlike the other DAMsels).
I have two yellow watchmen in my 155, so I want something different and I'm afraid of another goby with my Yasha.

Here's where I'm at, one of these:
Royal Gramma (would eventually probably end up in the 155)
Blue Sapphire Damsel (Chrysiptera springeri)
Fridmani Pseudochomis
Dilectis Pseudochromis (coloring might be too close to the blenny for me)
Call me crazy, but I may put a mandarin in it (of course I'd seed the tank constantly, I've had one in this tank before)


Active Member
what do you mean dont tell meowzer about the damsels???? im the one that hates them soooooo much!!!!
they are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by nissan577
what do you mean dont tell meowzer about the damsels???? im the one that hates them soooooo much!!!!
they are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL ... but she really hates them and I know I'll get a lecture. Everyone hates damsels, they are evil, but I've owned blue sapphires, they're not evil. I wish they weren't labeled as damsels, then more people would own them. They look very similar to a blue reef chromis but only grow to about 2 1/2 - 3" as opposed to 4-5".
I think I might end up with the Fridmani, one LFS by me has a ton of them.


Active Member
wrong! Meowzer loves them!!!!!!!!!!
i hate them! and Blue sapphires are evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are really mean like every other damsel!
and the Fridmani are nice


Originally Posted by nissan577
wrong! Meowzer loves them!!!!!!!!!!
i hate them! and Blue sapphires are evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are really mean like every other damsel!
and the Fridmani are nice

LOL. Yes, meowzer loves them! (about as much as I love going to the dentist)
Have you ever owned a real blue sapphire? They're quite rare. People mistake them for the mean blue damsels a lot.
I'm probably going to get the fridmani, if I catch my evil coral eating clown