150 reef from start to finish


just got the ok from wife to get 100 lbs of lr in the morning ,,,,, :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: im so haapy


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish-man-t
just got the ok from wife to get 100 lbs of lr in the morning ,,,,, :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: im so haapy


mandarin w

You might be able to get the tank drilled at you LFS. Problem is no garentee not to crack the glass while drilling, but honestly that doesn't happen to often. With the tank drilled you could run a sump under the tank. Much better for the system and gets all the equipment out of the tank.
If you are too nervous to drill, understandable, then canister will work fine if you have a good one. Find out the gallons per hour that canister will handle. With a 150 you need to filter about 1050 gallons an hour at least. They have come out with a new "Rena XP4" I've seen it at our local pet supercenter. (You know the one) It was selling for $250., it is rated for up to 450 gal tank. Might be something worth looking into.
It is important to find yourself good solid equipment to run your tank. If you skimp too much, you may end up burning your self.
Take into consideration the $$ you will have invested in livestock. It will easily be in the thousands of dollors, Espeacaily in a 150 gal. If you skimp on you set up. You may be doing a lot of flushing later.
I am not saying to run out and buy $300.00 powerheads if you can't afford them. Research the equipment you will be needing, and check out the selling forums. Sometimes you can find awsome deals.
I too got my tank, 180 gal oceanic Reef Ready, life reefs sump with built in potein skimmer, awaki 55RLt return, 36 watt UV sterilizer, 3x250 MH with 2x 96 watt actinic, an oceans clean canister, and two seio's 2600 for the powerheads. For $700.00 dollars. Just look. If you don't have your skimmer, filter system. and other equipment why order your rock now


I wouldn't freak on the crushed coral untill you start to see problems. It's not the best thing out there to use, but don't go through a ton of trouble at the moment I say.


Active Member
IMO...Best time to replace the crushed coral is now, the more you wait the harder it will be to replace, you will keep buying more fish, more LR, etc.
Now is the time to do it when you dont have that much in the tank!
I talk from experience...I usually learn the hard way...like most! :thinking:
edit: BTW...I really like the treasure chest stand...Thats awsome!


just picked up a lot of rock :) not live ,im going a different way (the cheap way). i picked up old , once live rock but now dead u can see some clam shells in it and other things u might find in live rock. tank clouded up a little so i dont wana send a pic just yet but im hopeing i will be able to in a few hours. O YEAH I PLAY A LITTLE GAME ,,,,, itys called guess how many pounds of rock it is and how much its worth the winner gets nothing but will be good idel if i got ripped or a good deal befor i tell the price
thanks :joy:


Originally Posted by mandarin w
You might be able to get the tank drilled at you LFS. Problem is no garentee not to crack the glass while drilling, but honestly that doesn't happen to often. With the tank drilled you could run a sump under the tank. Much better for the system and gets all the equipment out of the tank.
If you are too nervous to drill, understandable, then canister will work fine if you have a good one. Find out the gallons per hour that canister will handle. With a 150 you need to filter about 1050 gallons an hour at least. They have come out with a new "Rena XP4" I've seen it at our local pet supercenter. (You know the one) It was selling for $250., it is rated for up to 450 gal tank. Might be something worth looking into.
It is important to find yourself good solid equipment to run your tank. If you skimp too much, you may end up burning your self.
Take into consideration the $$ you will have invested in livestock. It will easily be in the thousands of dollors, Espeacaily in a 150 gal. If you skimp on you set up. You may be doing a lot of flushing later.
I am not saying to run out and buy $300.00 powerheads if you can't afford them. Research the equipment you will be needing, and check out the selling forums. Sometimes you can find awsome deals.
I too got my tank, 180 gal oceanic Reef Ready, life reefs sump with built in potein skimmer, awaki 55RLt return, 36 watt UV sterilizer, 3x250 MH with 2x 96 watt actinic, an oceans clean canister, and two seio's 2600 for the powerheads. For $700.00 dollars. Just look. If you don't have your skimmer, filter system. and other equipment why order your rock now

ty but imo its just rock thats all till i get all the right gear so realy no harm at this stage in the game. and yes i will be looking into that filter thanks alot


IM kinda new at this too so IM just posing questions to think about. Instead of having the tank drilled (which would mean he would have to empty it) couldn't he just get one of those plastic hang on skimmer boxes that have another plastic box on the outside of the tank that runs to a sump? With a sump he would have room for a really nice skimmer. Then he would also need a return pump. Nobody said anything about lighting. Will he have room for MH or would T5s be better? Fish-man-t did say "reef tank". IMHO I agree that you should start your cycle with a dead shrimp and not live fish.
Cool tank and stand. Good luck!


Active Member
If your tank is not drilled and you dont want to tear it down to have it drilled then yes you can use a hob sytle box, I had my 55 gallon setup like that for years.


oh yeah the lighting i almost forgot i got the normal lights that come with every tank but,, i put new bulb in them.. are4 coralife 10,000k with rareearth color enhancing phosphors and 2 coralife actinic blue bulbs going to be good or no???the actinic blues peek at 420 nanometers. also plz tell me what you guys think about the new rock i just put in ..its not very pretty yet BUT for $80.00 what do you want>>>>



hey guys, ok here it is added a few thing since last post i added 20 pounds of live rock (coral rock) $11 per pound ouch but worth it, also added some plant, and my pride and joy i got my snowflack eel
:jumping: :cheer:
