You might be able to get the tank drilled at you LFS. Problem is no garentee not to crack the glass while drilling, but honestly that doesn't happen to often. With the tank drilled you could run a sump under the tank. Much better for the system and gets all the equipment out of the tank.
If you are too nervous to drill, understandable, then canister will work fine if you have a good one. Find out the gallons per hour that canister will handle. With a 150 you need to filter about 1050 gallons an hour at least. They have come out with a new "Rena XP4" I've seen it at our local pet supercenter. (You know the one) It was selling for $250., it is rated for up to 450 gal tank. Might be something worth looking into.
It is important to find yourself good solid equipment to run your tank. If you skimp too much, you may end up burning your self.
Take into consideration the $$ you will have invested in livestock. It will easily be in the thousands of dollors, Espeacaily in a 150 gal. If you skimp on you set up. You may be doing a lot of flushing later.
I am not saying to run out and buy $300.00 powerheads if you can't afford them. Research the equipment you will be needing, and check out the selling forums. Sometimes you can find awsome deals.
I too got my tank, 180 gal oceanic Reef Ready, life reefs sump with built in potein skimmer, awaki 55RLt return, 36 watt UV sterilizer, 3x250 MH with 2x 96 watt actinic, an oceans clean canister, and two seio's 2600 for the powerheads. For $700.00 dollars. Just look. If you don't have your skimmer, filter system. and other equipment why order your rock now