2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.


Active Member
Hey I also wonder about drilling oput the aquacler and doing a small stockman in there, when you loose poer it would stop as the aquaclear losse power and stops sucking then starts back up when power returns..... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I knew you couldnt resist it!

Get a small strainer, or a measuring cup and drill it out, then you need some kind of container to hang on the back with a divider in it. :notsure: Maybe a 1/2 gallon milk jug cut down and glued together. Then use a piece if 3/8 poly tube for the syphon tube. Put A 3/8 JG on the bottom of the jug and use poly to go to the fuge. Then use poly to run it back up with a JG gate vale to dail it back if needed.

was thinking maybe a mini specimen container with a divider for the back but in the tank I need almost no space wasted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Hah nice timing you posted that just at the exact same moment I felt neglected.

I allways feel neglected here. I dont think many people like me
Guess I better eat some worms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Hey I also wonder about drilling out the aquaclear and doing a small stockman in there, when you loose power it would stop as the aqua clear loses power and stops sucking then starts back up when power returns..... :thinking:
Hmm. the aqua clear I can definitely drill. I have tons of leftover eggcrate. maybe I can work from that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I allways feel neglected here. I dont think many people like me
Guess I better eat some worms.

I like you... hey are you gonna finish that worm?


Active Member
I'll share!
Just a stockman in ther I think will do it! It's gonna be huge! Worms and all. Hey maybe you can raise us some in there.


Active Member
I know canister filters are know for being nitrate factories. But I would just go with a fluval 104...


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
I think those super nano tanks are cool. I was at my LFS and saw those Picotope tanks. It was awesome. They had a several small frags of zoos and two small seahorses in it.
I know you meant the fish thing as a joke, but I would put a clown goby in it. I love my clown gobies and I just bought another green one today. But that is just my $.02.


Active Member
just an update the last coat of poly is drying right now. not gonna post pics of it cause they look just like the first coat just smoother. its now 9:37 pm and I have a lot of snow to shovel in the morning, we got about 8 inches or more tonight, so I'm cutting out for the night. Love peace and chicken Grease! (Rhymes but pretty gross)


Active Member
OK next morning god what a load of snow but, here are some pics with the last coat of poly dried and everything put back in the hood and set on the tank, the second is an extreme close up trying to show how nice the wood grain looks. Hope you all like it.



Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
here is pic of the stand I built for it, next step staining and sealing. pic to come later. I think I am going to add a band around the bottom of the hood to hide the black plastic on the tank.the question would be how to secure it..... hmmm.
OK I got here too late to read ALL the words on this post. So I just wanted to comment that the care bear in the background cracks me up!!
I knew you had to sleep with it, but does it have to watch you while you do your projects also?!


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I allways feel neglected here. I dont think many people like me
Guess I better eat some worms.

Awh... here ya go.... these are fresh right out of my tank...... :thinking:
"I just might have a worm problem"..... :hilarious
Great tank you got my attention!! ***)


Active Member
sorry there are no new pictures yet. havent had a chance to do anything new to it, I have been really busy. there will be more soon. I promise.
I have decided to go with sexy shrimp in the tank. My lfs is going to order them for me when I am ready. hopefully more updates to come soon.


Active Member
Ok, finally made some progress, brought to a screeching halt by the fact that I cant find the screen to cover my plenum base with. oh well here is a picture anyways. this project has been plauged with a case of the where did I put thats.